Thursday, July 30, 2009


As a follow up on lung doctors. I did see one and he has put me on levaquin for 5 days. I think that is about right as I had not completely hit the skids. Unfortunately that medicine causes insomnia. As for now, with two pills in me and two days have passed I am feeling like my old self.

As I was driving up to get my sister, I began to remember some things about her and I began to laugh out loud. My sister has a quick wit shich seems to be true of her children also. Warning: for those whose sensibilities cannot tolerate scatalogical humor, stop reading.
I was thinking of the time when she was in the waiting room of a ladies lounge in a large department store. She was sitting in a chair waiting for someone or perhaps having a cigarette. As she sat there a little lady came tiptoing in and said " I just have to make a deposit". My sister replied, "just so you don't make a withdrawal". Well, I thought it was funny.

Once when she and I had been up to Dillard, Ga. (one of our favorite places and birthplace of our fraternal great grandmother Nancy Dillard , we purchased a booklet of really old mountain songs and sayings. As she drove home I read from the book and we both laughed so hard she almost ran off the road.

Once we were in a shop near Helen Ga. Suddenly we heard a laugh which sounded mechanical. Upon investigation it turned out to be a hand mirror just laying on a shelf. Each time someone walked past it the laughing began. It was contagious and a series of guffaws ensued. Of course we had to purchase that! And we knew just who to give it to, our brother-in-law Carlyle Owens. Everyone had a lot of fun with it, especially when some unsuspecting victim entered their home. Years later we noticed that it had disappeared from their home. As jokes have a history of becoming old and no longer funny, we suspected that he had disposed of it. We were right. It seems he had to make a lot of trips to the bathroom at night and it would set off the peals of laughter. Oh, well, we had a good run with it.

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