Friday, August 7, 2009

Family reunions

The visit with my sister started out great. Our brother came down from Virginia so we had a little mini reunion. If our brother in St. Louis had been able to come it would have been perfect. We three went to worship on Sunday. Our pastor was not there but one of our S.S. class members, a retired history teacher had the lesson. He made it all very interesting. In church two former members, both lay leaders, had the service. They even led the communion service. Even though our pastor was not there we went ahead as though he were. We knew how to properly carry on without him. One of my favorite humns which I had requested to be sung this summer was in the bulletin. It is Great Is Thy Faithfulness. On Sunday afternoon my daughter and her husband came up with their two dogs. We had a great afternoon. The game of hearts always comes into play when we get together with them. I had a perfect chance to "shoot the moon". I had the queen of spades and the A, King, Queen, Jack, Ten and five of hearts. Alas I could not take that first trick when blood was shed. So instead of shooting the moon, I accumulated a LOT of points. Much to the glee of everyone else. Before that I had zero score. But we had a great time laughing, etc. as families do when they all get together.

On Monday my sister got up and had an odd feeling on her left side. Her daughter, son-in law and granddaughter had come over for the afternoon. While the young and adventureous ones went down to the lake to swim we decided my sister should have this "feeling" checked out at the hospital. Her daughter and I went in with her and the doctors decided to keep her overnight. She was there until Friday. After all the tests and the waiting and the thorough checking, nothing could be found to cause the problem. An adjustment was made in her medications and we came back home on Friday determined to make up for lost time, to enjoy the rest of her visit.

We have plans to make two potato baskets. I have all of the materials and perhaps we can get into that tomorrow after a good night of sleep. Years ago we made some of them and it was so much fun. I have one half finished upstairs so perhaps with her encouragement I will finish it. The last time I tried to make something with basket material I failed miserably. My sister-in-law had sent me a carolina snowflake which had been made by a basket maker in her home town of Abingdon, Va. My sister wanted one like it so a friend and I tried our best using directions to duplicate it. It was far more challenging than I had thought. I was really disappointed with my results. SO, I just ordered two from a basket place online and mailed them to her.

Now, we will try to make these two using new matrials and the same book with instructions in it which we used years ago !!

Sometimes things do not always turn out as expected. Once when I was very small my parents hosted a family reunion at their home in Kentucky. As the various members were heading back to their respective homes in another part of the country, my uncle had a car accident and our aunt Hattie lost her life in that accident. My sister who is with me now reminded me that she was riding in the car behind him when the accident occurred. She was on her way back to visit with one of the aunts and uncles. I am sure my uncle Henry carried a heavy burden of guilt regarding her death. On a happy note however, I recall at that reunion my sister and I were sent to a neighbors house to spend the night so that our bedrooms could be used for our guests. We were sent on our way with pockets full of chocolate icebox cookies, iced with vanilla. Oh how good they were as we walked along the road and munched on them. We went to stay with the Pope family who had children our age. their daughter was named Nola and she was a beautiful girl. I have a lot of memories of living in that area, all happy ones, except for poor aunt Hattie. Perhaps some reunion must have a blot on them so we can appreciate the times when family visits are perfect.

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