Monday, August 31, 2009

Perils Of Making Jelly

I feel I must warn all uninitiated jelly makers of what can happen and just did to me. So, be forewarned.

I had this beautiful muscadine juice which I extracted from about four pounds of lovely purple grapes. I had used my new kitchen toy, the Omega juicer. I placed the juice in the fridge overnight and then allowed it to drip through double cheese cloth to remove any tartar crystals. All went well in this department. However I learned that I did not have any pectin on hand. First red flag ! I should have stopped, driven to the market and purchased pectin. But, I did not as the usually very reliable Preserving , Canning and Freezing book published by the Georgia Extension Service did not serve me well this time. I followed the directions for making grape jelly without pectin. After standing and boiling the mix for 45 minutes, it had changed color and still did not pass the "sheet" test. About this time my neighbor called to tell me the mail had come. Since I am too far from the road to see when this happens she always calls to tell me. I told her what I was doing and the unhappy results. She said "could it be the damp weather"? I had never thought of that!! Well, I should have as I am sure I have ruined all of that beautiful juice. I knew not to make fudge on a rainy day but had never considered the effect it might have on jelly. Perhaps because I had planned to use pectin, I completely forgot that !!

Well the sealed jars are in the hot water bath now and I can hear the bubbling of the boiling water and the sound of the jars being slightly moved around in their basket. I am so mad with myself for ruining that beautiful fresh juice. And also I am a little upset that the book I was using did not warn me that on a rainy day USE PECTIN.

So, to all of my friends who are checking in on me, please heed my advise and keep pectin on hand if you are inclined to make jelly. Otherwise you can just consider this lament of mine an experience you are happy to have missed.

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