Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today I had a dental appointment with a very good dentist here in Gainesville. He was recommened to me by my old one in Tucker. It has proven to be a wise choice as he is an implant and reconstruction specialist. I stipulated that I did not want to sit in the chair with my mouth wide open for longer than an hour, so good to his word he had me out of there in that time frame.

Later I was talking to the lady who cuts my hair. She said she needs to have a wisdom tooth pulled. She is 60 years old so I questioned her as to why she is just now doing that when the recommended age is 15. She explained but I do not envy her one bit ! I recall my son having this done when he was 15 and he was "knocked out" for the procedure and it took some days of recovery before he felt like a member of the human race again. I was 23 when a dentist recommended this procedure for me. I do not recall that it was all that bad and perhaps it will not be for my friend but I feel an earlier age is more prudent. For one thing your mommy can look after you !

Once when I went in to see my primary doctor in Decatur he noted that my blood pressure was up. I said, "Well, I have just come from the dentist and that would give anyone the "heeby jeebies". He had a good laugh over that, but I was serious. In the little town where I grew up there were only three dentists. I was friends with the daughters of two of the dentists and the third, a husband of my sister's friend was the one that my parents sent me to. I say sent, as I just marched up about two flights of stairs all by myself and had teeth filled, and teeth pulled and with no novocain !! I was in my early teens. I must have wanted pretty teeth with a passion, to do that.

My brother marveled that his daughter was hypnotized when she had dental care. I had the option of taking gas but it did not appeal to me at all. I would prefer a fat, numb lip and that is what I got!!

At a young age I had treatment that fell into the category of orthodontics, though it was not called that, nor was it done with wires and rubber bands over a period of time. It involved pulling four teeth, one upper and one lower on both sides of my mouth. I do not believe my parents were even consulted. Our dentist just said you need to have these teeth pulled to make room for the others. I had a small jaw and my teeth just did not fit in there very well, or would not as I grew. perhaps it was the best option under the circumstances as no one questioned it, least of all me.

I should "quitmybitchin" as a lot of people my age have already said goodbye to the teeth they were born with. My mother had all of hers pulled at age 20. That may be why she saw to it that we had plenty of milk growing up for she must not have. As a child of German immigrants who lost her father when she was in the 8th grade, dental care was not on her mother's priority list.

So much has changed over the years that speculation is pointless. I am glad that my grandchildren have the many options open to them in the 21st century. Alas, there is much more turmoil in the world being brought to their doorsteps. Things I could never have imagined. It all makes me think of an old lady years ago when television just came along. She told someone she had no intention of getting on an airplane. She was going to sit at home and watch television like God intended. Amen sister !!

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