Monday, July 13, 2009


I had no idea of how my day would turn out, so it was an adventure. I did know that I needed to get an oil and filter for my car, so that came first. All bays were open and I had no sooner gotten settled in the waiting room and started filling out some papers when I was told my car was ready. I said, "that was so quick are you sure they did everything they were supposed to do"?. Oh yes, she said, when you do forty a day you get it done fast. Well okay then !! Next I went to Walmart to return a big bag of red potatoes which had gone bad in a matter of days. I may not have noticed them if not for the terrible odor. After that chore, I wandered into the garden center and ended up buying two large pots, potting soil and 2 pink fountain guara. It did not take long to pot them after I got home. Still undecided about the balance of the day, I dallied around for a while and then thought, oh well I may as well go up to Dawsonville to the novice games up there. I knew the way this time and I gave myself an hour and ten minutes to get there on time. I was 30 minutes early and one person was there early also. It was her first visit.

So, we got acquainted and I thought I had a permanent partner but she is a part time resident here. Her other home is in Pencacola. But we joined forces today as we were the only ones who came alone. I pulled my usual boners, but at the end of the day, we were in third place. Of course there were only three tables, which means twelve people played. Well at least we were not dragging bottom, but just barely. She may come on Friday and if so I hope to do better. We really did not have good cards so our points were made by defensive playing. It is easy to say pass, but then one must try to defeat the contract.

When I got home the day was almost gone, and too late to make pickles. I will tackle that in the morning. I did make some blackberry syrup and froze it into cubes. A little tip from my daughter who used to do that to the delight of her then very young son. I wonder if he still likes waffles with blackberry syrup. If so I will see that he gets these when he comes to visit in Atlanta in August.

As for the bridge, this is the second time I have "placed", so I am encouraged enough to keep trying !! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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