Tuesday, July 21, 2009

give up day

Some days you just have to give up and go on. Today I did that in a couple of ways. I gave up on ever reviving my old juicer. I just could not bear to part ways so I put the dirty deed on my son-in-law. I gave it to him and he promised a decent burial, or send-off, which ever it may be. I gave up on an old television also. Unless it has a box for receiving signals it is just gathering dust. The Tommy Novis center is accepting these old sets for conversion by their workers. Jim graciously received this also just as he was leaving today.

I felt a sense of acceptance re: the juicer as my son-in-law helped me find a replacement which is somewhat like the old one. It will be in my possession in about five days. As for the television, I feel no remorse, as watching television is not high on my priority list. When television first came out I was living in Nashville, Tenn for the summer with my young husband. Our landlady had a television and we watched the Kefauver hearings in Washington, D.C. She was kind to us and gave me hushpuppies which were new to me. I do not know if this is true but she said they originated with slaves out cooking over an outdoor fire. Apparently the dogs smelled the food cooking and hung around begging for a taste. The cook would fry a little ball of cornmeal with onions, in grease, then throw it to the dogs and say, "hush puppy". Hmmmmmmm, sounds logical to me.

The other thing I gave up on was an experimental compost in a metal garbage can. I knew it was too wet and I knew why. Again my son-in-law intervened and after doing some research of his own built for me a neat little compost bin from wire and posts. He built it out back behind some bushes, where I could have easy access to use it. I started that this evening with branches on the bottom, then soil then some fertilizer and then some green items left from my garden today. I gave it some water and a "God bless you with some miracle soil" and left it to do its thing.

I almost gave up on something else last evening, but a pep talk from my son-in-law and some reflection on the day caused me to decide that I really cannot be perfect even though I aspire to be. So, I WILL go back to bridge on Friday and I will accept that I cannot play perfectly every time. I really think that if I ever find a partner I will be able to relax and enjoy the game more. Several people at the Monday games said they knew someone who might be interested. So, I hope there is someone out there who is imperfect like me and is willing to join forces with me in the international game of bridge !!

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