Thursday, July 9, 2009

red caned blackberry plant

Today I did some research on having my own blackberry bushes like the ones I picked from yesterday. According to Billy Skaggs at the Hall County Extension Service, the easiest way to propagate the bushes is to take cuttings. Starting them from seeds will be much more difficult. Mr. Skaggs said that the seeds are very hard and need to be soaked in warm water or scratched up with sand paper. I have so many seeds, like at least a cup of them that I may just try that method as an experiment. Since I have had the experience of successfully propagating a rose bush from a cutting I want to try that first. I will report back on how this all works out.

Two guys from Green Scape came today and cut the grass in the vineyard. They did a great job and it took them almost three hours. The only bad thing was that they ran into some yellow jackets and both got stung several times. I know where it happened so I will go up and try to destroy them as they are just too harmful to humans. As far as I know they are not pollinators, so I will feel no regret.

With so little rain in the past few weeks watering in the garden was a must. The sensible time is during the evening. Thank goodness for a deep well. During the watering time I inspected my tomato plants and found all three of the big ones had ripe tomatoes ready for picking. Also I found way too many cucumbers which means a pickle making assignment is in my future, possibly on Saturday.

Just as I was finishing with the watering I picked a few blueberries before the birds could get them and they were not large but nice and sweet. A cool breeze came up and made it so very pleasant to be outdoors. The solar lights lining the front walk came on one by one and the colorful glowing sphere in the blueberry bed was fun to watch as it went from red to green to blue, then repeat the cycle. It was pretty and restful and rewarding to witness the dusk creeping in and the cool evening pushing out the hot day.

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