Friday, July 17, 2009


Today I lost a dear friend. It happened in the evening around 6:30. I had such a nice day earlier, played bridge, came home and went blackberry picking with my neighbor and she gave me half of her pick. I was working in my kitchen when it happened. It was not entirely a surprise, as I had noticed some signs of slowing down. We first met in the 1980's when I was teaching first grade in Maryland. This friend even went with me to a family reunion at Myrtle Beach that year. On our last night there I alerted the family to come to my unit after their last meal and bring all of their left over fruits and veggies as I wanted them to see what this friend could do with their left overs. We all had a gay old time. We put fruit and veggies in this friend and did she perform !! We had some unusual concoctions. Over the years I neglected our friendship, even sent her out to live with other family members at times but she always came back to me.

Well, you may be thinking this friend is in a better place, but I disagree. I needed her here to help me make jelly, carrot juice, etc. What will I do without her? I found out this evening when she just gave up. She refused to work any more. So I unplugged her from the wall, dismantled her and now I must make other plans for the future. I feel sure that I got my full measure of devotion from her. And she had a long life for an M-J Juicer. Just a few months ago I lost an important part to her and thought it was all over then, but I just could not cast out such a loyal, devoted piece of perfection. Then one day I found the missing key and rejoiced that I had not discarded her. I really thought we would be working together for a long, long time. Ah, well, all good things must come to an end. But I will still have the memories, like the first time I tasted fresh apple juice from her spout. It was heavenly. And the carrot juiced with an orange was unsurpassed. She gave me my last cups of berry juice today before she bade me farewell. I will make some lovely blackberry jelly from that juice tomorrow. I do not have any pictures of her but I think she is on some film taken that memorable evening at the beach. I know we laughed ourselves silly that evening and I recall saying to my family "I hope we do not all get sick from drinking this and not be able to go home tomorrow".

I have heard that good friends cannot be replaced. I may try anyway.

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