Thursday, July 2, 2009


This morning I went into the senior center at Shady Grove. What a nice place !! A nice indoor pool and I played bridge with the swim instructor. She has groups for losing weight and also for people with arthritis. I told her I did not have arthritis and did not need to lose weight. She said to come and just swim (on the designated times). So, I may look into that - if I ever find time.

At my first table I played opposite a man ( with a walker, age 88 ). He was good and he was fast and he was agressive - (in bridge). I had one good hand and I bid and made my bid, but alas it was not at game. No matter, as we changed tables and partners, I mostly had "pass" hads but did a good job of defending and I did bid and make one game. So, it was fun and I told the receptionist that I would not be back the next two Thursdays as I had medical appointments. But I did enjoy my visit.

The dogs were beside themselves with joy when I returned ! They thrive on "any" excitement !! So, I do not attribute the joy to seeing me, but just that they are dogs and that is what dogs do !!

Tomorrow is duplicate at the bridge center in Gainesville. If I do not have a partner perhaps our director will again keep me afloat. One lady today was asking if any of us knew how to play key card. I thought it was a new game but she said it was a way of bidding to ask for aces and kings. I am having enough trouble learning and remembering the standard way, and I do not need to confuse myself with some new twist when the old way will get me there just as well.

It has been a good day over all and it is only 2:19 in the afternoon!!

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