Saturday, July 4, 2009

bridge surprises

There have not been too many times in life that I have "won" ANYTHING. The times that come to mind are first, when I was a high school senior. Each year the seniors would vote for the classmate they thought fit the description of a particular category, best student, most popular, most likely to succeed, etc. My senior year I was voted the "best all around girl". I had not even thought of such a thing.

In the early l970's I spent Christmas wisitng with my sister and her husband at Fontana Dam in Tennessee. My son had gone to San Francisco with our friend and her daughter. My daughter was attending Emory, living in her own apartment and spending Christmas with her boy friend. So, my new husband and I met my sister and her husband there to celebrate the holiday. Various activities were planned for the guests. I reluctantly agreed to play bingo. I still have the little gray ceramic cat that I won at those games.

Next coming to mind took place in the late 70's at the first annual, county wide teacher's fair held in the county where I was teaching. Our principal had urged any who would, to enter a teaching procedure which had proven successsful. So, I did that, and won first place. When my name was called I did not react as I had no idea a prize was even being given, as it was the first time for a teachers fair. I had just enjoyed the whole experience. I later took my project on to the regional fair and placed second to a teacher who led her students in raising baby chicks. My project involved teaching interrelated skills in a year long activity through language arts. This was at the first grade level. It came before the time of teaching independent writing at an early age.

The last surprise came yesterday. I attended the Friday bridge games for those with master points below 199. This was my second visit and you may remember that last week my teacher was my partner and we placed fourth. However it did not count as he was not allowed to claim. This time my partner turned out to be a man named Harry whose wife normally was his partner, however she had flu and did not come. Harry was a very kind and helpful man. At the end of the games I was gathering my belongings and our director said to the group, "Do you want to guess who placed first?" Someone said "Harry", so apparently he was known to win a LOT. The director said " team 2 at 62% " and called our names. I looked at Harry and said "No one is more surprised than me"!! As a novice, having a great partner helped me survive. Also, being the day before the fourth many regular players were away and I feel sure that affected the results.
As I was growing up my mother would prepare us for disaster by saying "expect not and you won't be disappointed". Some folks take the opposite stance, visualizing success and working toward it. My doctor once said to me "with you it is all or nothing, isn't it?" I just looked at her and did not know what she meant by that. I have since puzzled ovr her statement and still am not sure. It may mean I enjoy the process of proving I CAN do something. If anyone has ideas re: what my doctor meant, I would like to have your input.

May this be a memorable fourth of July for all, with only happy surprises, and this includes you, my lifelong friend in Kentucky.

1 comment:

  1. Rose, I think what your doctor meant was that you are discerning in what you choose to do, but once you make a decision to do it you give it 110%.
    I can tell from your blogs that you choose to do 110% with your family, bridege, quilting and, of course, your garden and all related garden activities.
