Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wild Goose Chase

This morning I was awakened by my "green alarm clock" and at 7:00 I was putting a coffee cake in the oven. I knew this would be good as my son baked it for me on my birthday. I anticipated a large group in the fellowship hall for coffee time after Sunday School and I was correct. I offered the left overs to several people and some took me up on it. One of those being the daughter of our 102 year old member, Martha Riggins. Martha likes my butterscotch brownies and maybe she liked the goodies I had today.

I was privileged to sit with my teaching buddy of yore,and her husband along with a new visitor who teaches french at the junior college in town. The sermon was about prayer and our pastor always has great illustrations from real life.

Earlier this week I had called Jaemor Farms which is about ten miles north of Gainesville. Being told they had blackberries to sell, I felt a drive up there after church would be a reasonable thing to do. When I reached the gate to the popular place ar 12:40, there were six cars in line waiting to get in. A sign on the gate gave the opening hours on Sunday as 1:00. I remembered that just up the road about five or six miles was another popular spot called Micky Pigg's BBQ. I made a turn in the wide driveway and headed on north. It did not take long to reach Micky Pigg's. Of course there were many cars and few parking spots. I did find a place in front of another establishment a short walk away. Once inside of the BBQ place I found it crammed with people so I went directly to the hostess and asked for take out. In about four minutes I was walking past all of those hungry people, out the door with a very ample BBQ sandwich and a tall styrofoam glass of iced water, with lemon no less.

Eating in my car was a small price to pay for such a tasty lunch when I was really hungry. By the time I got back to Jaemor Farms at 1:20 the parking lot was full to the brim but I was able to squeeze in behind a van without blocking it in.

Making my way through the crowded open market I found an enployee and asked where I could find blackberries. We are sold out he told me. Well, to my credit I read it as a sign to go right on home and get started on rooting the cuttings that were waiting in a bucket of water. In the meantime I may experiment and see what kind of jelly could be made by combining the juices of purple grapes and blackberries. I have an optistimic heart and I know that George Washington Carver must have tried a few unusual things before he came up with peanut butter !!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rose,

    Your BBQ lunch experience reminded me of a food flashback I had today. For some reason, while I was walking my dogs through the neighborhood, I picked up a scent that made me think of tangy BBQ sauce on dark chicken meat. Along with that, my brain also conjured up some of that thick white bread soaked in butter that they sometimes serve with BBQ...I think it might be called Texas toast. All of it made my taste buds water, although the nutritional value would barely register.

    I've been eating extremely healthy this year, but my taste buds occasionally fall off the nutrition wagon and I crave that which has been banned!

