Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yesterday the dogs left with their master to go back to their normal routine. They gave him a royal welcome with leaps and bounds and "barks-a-Million". He thought Rocky had gained a little weight and I am not surprised as I always like to be sure everyone is well fed !! (like any good grandmother).

I sent my son-in-law home with kale from the garden and my first big tomato and cucumbers. In return he helped me move the posts for the electric fense so the fast growing tomato plant and blackberry bush would not touch it and break the electric circuit.

I always have a bit of adjusting to do after overnight guests leave - even if they are the four legged variety. I suppose I like the idea of having some other living being in this house with me.

Tuesday was spent being lazy and mixing up scotch bread cookie dough. After some chilling in the fridge I will find a day to form and bake the " black eyed susan" cookies. They will have a chocolate mint baked into the center. I puzzled over the recipe as it did not call for levening but after checking other recipes I decided they really did NOT need levening.

The balance of the day was spent in front of the television watching something I had not thought I would be interested in. However I became emotionally involved in the tribute to Michael Jackson as televised from Los Angeles. I found it touching and "real" in presentation. In our S.S. class our pastor has been talking about other faiths and last Sunday it was Jehovah Witnesses, which is what Michael's father and mother professed.

Afterwards I talked to my sister in Ohio to sort of bring myself back to reality. Television has a way of transporting me into another world and I needed to be grounded.!!

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