Monday, June 29, 2009

heirloom tomatoes

What a pleasant surprise this morning to have an email from my niece, Ann. Ann and three of her cousins were all expected to be born around the same time. Char and Susan arrived first Everyone was betting on who would be next in line, Ann or my daughter. My mother had come to stay for the impending birth. When my daughter arrived a few days before Easter,my mom wrote to her son to say we had won and Ann would have to be next in line of grandchildren. However, in those days when letters were used more commonly than phones (forget emails, they did not exist), we learned that we had been too eager. Ann had arrived first. Of course we were surprised and delighted that my brother had this lovely daughter, his second.

Now that second daughter is living far from us and has her own two daughters and a busy life as mother, wife, operating nurse and an avid heirloom tomato grower. I must learn more about her hobby. I was intrigued with the picture of the heart shaped strawberry tomato she sent. I did start five Parks Whopper tomatoes from seeds this year but also succumbed to buying three plants which are outgrowing the Parks Whopper by leaps and bounds.

Many decisions are based upon assumptions. For the past two summers I have assumed that we would have sufficient rain to support a vegetable garden. And for the past two summers I have had to fall back on using water from my well. Fortunately it is deep and supplies all the water I need. I have a bountiful return from my garden this year because my son-in-law put a lot of hard work into tilling, amending and fertilizing the soil in my raised beds. I have been able to make 21 pints and 4 quarts of bread and butter pickles so far, plus two pints of pickled beets. The beets are for my son and grandson who really dig them (not literally - I did that ) !! As long as my family and friends enjoy the pickles I will continue to haul out the big pots and ice down the cucumbers for the 5 hour process. One day I hope to successfully make dill pickles, but that day has not come !

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