Friday, June 26, 2009

garden surprises

Yesterday I noticed that more water was needed in part of my raised beds so early this morning I turned on the water and headed down. When I moved the hose to where it was needed I noticed a cucumber that I had misssed before. Of course I did not have a basket or plastic bag to put it in so my pocket received this one, as I walked around I noticed another one and then another and by the time I finished I had nine cucumbers. Now, if I had gone down with a basket I would have found nothing to put in it !

Last week I picked two green tomatoes as they were crowding out the others on that branch. At this same spot I had to pick two more today as they are growing so fast there is not room for them in between the stalks. These measured 3.5 inches across and still growing. This is from the plant (properly ) named Goliath. The plum tomatoes are funny little things, as they look deformed, almost pear shaped. It will be interesting to see how they look at maturity. This plant is determinate, so all of the fruit will ripen at once.

I planted four "hills" of squash. Two yellow crookneck and two zucchini, black beauty. Only the yellow squash have produced. Usually zucchini is a heavy producer but so far nothing ! Either something is eating the blooms or the whole bunch is male. I need to consult the agent at the extension service. This is one service that is free and I use these folks all the time.

I do not understand how one row of beans comes up and the other does not. Either the soil is better in one spot or it gets more water. These blue lake beans are great for freezing and are really tender and tasty for fresh eating. I plan to keep planting them in spots where spring veggies have run their course. Snow peas are fading out now but the kale is still going gangbusters. Jim , my son-in-law learned about kale this spring. He had never tasted it and did not even want to try , but we finally convinced him to give it a try. He was more surprised than Bonnie and I were that he liked it !!!! He began buying it at the market where he shops and he is the reason I planted it this year. Since he prepared the soil I thought he should have some rewards from his labor (he does not like tomatoes) , poor soul. !

Does anyone know how lizards fit into the garden scene? This is the second year I have had them at the raised beds. I hope they are just there to eat bugs and I have seen two so I believe that there may be more as time goes by!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rose,

    I don't know if lizards are a good or bad sign in the garden. But growing up in South Florida, we had them everywhere, including inside the house sometimes. A couple of my brothers were big lizard collectors, and I have a picture of Frank (the youngest) with 10 lizards, one hanging off each of his fingers. How did they hold on? Well, they have rather large mouths and they like to give little love bites as warnings. ;-)

