Thursday, June 25, 2009

bridge substitute

Thursday is usually a day of working in the garden but today is different. My friend Sally Britt, who is the organist/pianist at our church asked me to substitute in her other bridge group. I guess someone is on vacation otherwise why would they NOT be there !!

I will be going by Sally's and she will drive to this bridge friend's house. I called her and asked if she would like some cucumbers, yellow squash and a fat green tomato from my garden. She said she would love them so I will not have to "do something" with these ! After 6 batches of bread and butter pickles I need a break from canning.

Yesterday at the duplice novice group the two couples who had been the mainstay of our group dropped out. So the teacher asked me if I would be willing to come on Fridays and I want to continue so I agreed. But if he needs a warm body to fill in I will do that. These folks are working for master points so they may not be too pleased to have this green horn stepping in. I bought another book from James on defending a contract so now I have two books by William Root. I will continue reading and trying to remember the info in these books. That is no easy task !! If I am lucky today I will win $8 as each person has to put one buck in the "kitty".

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