Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bubbie is still learning

Greetings, this is a new learning experience for me. My son-in-law is my mentor in cyber space. So, if you want to check in and see what an 83 year old retired first grade teacher does with her time, be my guest, but don't be shocked. This all reminds me of an amusing incident with Ray Parsons many years ago. He was never happy as a teacher or principal. He finally cut loose from his profession and got a job in sales. When he returned from his first sales conference he had a cartoon of a goofy looking, toothless, wild eyed man with a name tag on his lapel. The caption under the picture read, , "Once I did not even know what a sailsman was, and now I are one".Way back in college when I first began dating Raymond one of his friends made this comment to him, "so you finally found a girl who would listen to you".It was no secret that he liked to talk. Most who know me know that I like to write. Hopefully dear reader, you enjoy reading, If so, we will have a good future together.

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