Wednesday, June 24, 2009


My alarm clock is the light coming in around the drapes in my bedroom. In the summer this is around 6:00 a.m. Once that alarm goes off there is no more sleep unless I was up really late the night before.

Today I had grapefruit juice and headed out to set up the hose for watering. My watering system is a long connection of hoses that run along the side of the woods. At two spots there are Y connections so that I have hose running over to my blueberry patch and lower down is a Y connection for a hose to run across to some other plants. At the end of the line is where my raised beds are, the main destination and end of the line.

Today I turned the water on up at the west side of my house and walked down to the first Y and simply turned the cut off so that the water all went to the blueberries. I noticed yesterday that they did not seem to be getting larger as fast as I would like. Ed Abbot my blueberry guru told me that you cannot give blueberries too much water, so I determined to give them an extra drink today. Since I have about nine bushes in this bed I have to move the hose around. I give each bush about 30 minutes. It is cool and pleasant here in north Georgia early in the morning so I get in some good walking between changes.

While I had the water running on the lower bush I went inside the fence and pulled up some persistent weeds. The heavy pine bark mulch keeps most of the weeds at bay. The fence keeps the rabbits at bay. I am not so sure about the little chipmonk which has a little burrow under a tree stump. He is so small he may be able to slip in between the wires, but does he like blueberries?????

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