Thursday, June 25, 2009

brudge - party

Today I went as a substitute to play party bridge. They were all nice ladies and it was very social and maybe that was the problem. I have been in a more structured game situation. When I am at the novice lessons we use certain cue bids and it all seems much more clear. I am not sure I should ever do the party bridge again. Proof of that is that I had LOW score and I got back the dollar I put in the "kitty". I felt out of my element. So, tomorrow I am going to the Friday games and if I am asked to play ( meaning: if someone does not show up to take their seat ), then I will be the "warm body" so the game can proceed.

While I was away a young man came to look at the grass in the vineyard to give me a price for mowing. He is with a partner in a new company and I think it will be affordable for me and good for him as he has another client on my street. My riding mower is rattling and complaining each time it is used so it is time for a change. I can handle the pruning in the vineyard that is needed after Christmas as we usually have enough pleasant weather during February and March. it is not difficult for me to do, especially if I do not skip any years in pruning. Standing and cutting vines and hauling them off in the golf cart is not hard work at all. I actually enjoy this part of gardening. My neighbors pass by and wave or stop to chat as I work, but no one has been enticed to get some pruners and try my hobby !!

I took cucumbers, yellow squash and green tomatoes to my friend who drove to the party bridge. She has a lot of company visiting her on a fairly regular schedule and I was getting burned out on making pickles !! She is the organist/pianist for our church. A red headed , energetic Georgia grandmother ! The next day I will be able to find time for pickle making is next week so this works out fine. And I have some large overgrown ones to put in my experimental compost ! And as they say "all is well that ends well".

1 comment:

  1. And now it is my turn to comment on YOUR blog, Rose. You have a gift for writing, and I look forward to reading more of your snippets of garden wisdom.

