Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wednesday is hair cut, set, color, whatever day, also it is the day for novice bridge class. This I started back in February. The lessons are free so far but when I am ready to start playing the regular duplicate games then I will pay to play. I would not recommend waiting 23 years between bridge playing as one tends to forget. Both of the teachers I have had, James Dober and Jane Stockard are excellent players and are excellent teachers.

I have some old books on bridge and while some of the information is still valid, a lot of it is passe'. I did buy a new book by William Root called Commonsense Bidding. It IS up to date. Of course I have misplaced it but it has been the most helpful book so far. Mostly just getting in there and playing (and learning by making mistakes) is the very best way to learn. I do need a partner on a regular basis and that has not happened yet. Hopefully one will suddenly appear and we will hit it off and then there will be no turning back !!

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