Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yesterday was the Friday duplicate open games day. For my first visit it was stressful to say the least. But had I not gone two people would not have been able to play. My teacher was my partner and I was glad of that. He cannot claim points and I knew he would not expect much from me. I did not disappoint him !! In spite of what he had taught in our lessons on Wednesdays past, I did not pick up on a Jacobi transfer. Our opposition knew it and mercifully did not double. Of course we went down !! At the end of the day when our teacher totaled the boards he announced the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Then he called me over to look at his computer. We would have been 4th place except he was not able to claim (because he was the director just filling in). That would have made me feel better if I had only recognized the Jacobi transfer !!! Well, that was the first time anyone had bid it in a game with me, and well, I could find lots of reasons to excuse myself !!! The truth is I need to study more and more important I need someone to discuss bridge with outside of bridge play day. My goal is to find a permanent partner.

On the bright side, I had decided that I just needed to drop out of this and stay at home and be content gardening, etc. However in talking with another lady there she said that if you did not consider quitting at least three times you were not normal. She even admitted being scared to playing the board we had just finished ( she was declarer). One lady said she would be afraid to play with our teacher !! Well at least I felt comforted because I WAS playing with my teacher and glad of it.

I suppose the moral of this day could be when your chin is draggin' don't despair as you may fall flat on your face and someone will be there to help you up. Isn't it interesting how a kind word can make a difference in your course of action ???

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