Monday, June 29, 2009

Bridge - or not !

At bridge games on Friday a nice gentleman made a map for me to follow and visit the novice games at the center in Dawsonville on Mondays. The directions seemed plain to me so I started out this morning giving myself 50 minutes to find the place. I drove almost to where I needed to be and decided I had gone too far, so I turned around and asked directions. A lady from Michigan at a gas station sent me off in the opposite direction , she assured me she lived on the street I was looking for so trusting somone who had only been in Georgia for a few weeks I headed out again. After coming to my senses I turned around and tried the same route again. This time before I had gone too far I went into a CVC drug store thinking I would find an intelligent person there to direct me. I did. So, once again I headed out where I had been originally - I had just not driven far enough. After a few wrong turns I found the swimming pool which was a landmark for the bridge center. Had to ask directions again, finally I found it and there was no parking place left, just signs saying "don't park here". How rude !! I decided it was a sign from God, so I thought I should just go home and give it all up. However as I went past the 400 Premium Outlet I rememered the Food Court there and decided to just go in for rest and refreshment. I bought a chocolate chip cookie baked by that preeminent cookie lady, Mrs. Fields. While munching the cookie in the pleasant surrounding of the food court, I began to ponder the situation. "If God did not want me to play bridge, what WAS He telling me."?? I came to the conclusion that since I was in this big shopping mall I should look for the answer here. I got up, walked out and there was a big sign saying "Dress Barn". Well if God wanted me to go shopping who am I to spurn his advise. At the door I was met by a caring, helpful clerk who took me all over the store gathering blouses for me to try on and capri pants as well. As a result of her attentive presence I ended up spending almost $100 on cool summer casual wear.

Driving down 400 toward home I continued to revisit my obsession for a bridge partner. By the time I reached home I had determined to call the Senior Center in Cumming as see if they had any bridge games going on. Well, it just so happened they did not, but wait!! They did have another center just up the road from me and they play on Thursdays all day if you want to, and better yet they are always looking for people to play. It is not my nature to look for signs from God, but it does appear he was giving me some directions, perhaps subliminal, but effective. I rest my case !!!!!

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