Tuesday, June 30, 2009


For the second time I discovered my big heavy tomato cages blown over. My son-in-law was with me today when we saw this disheartening sight. His analysis was that the strings I had put up to keep the branches from breaking was pulling them over. So, we set them straight and weighed down the cages with large bricks and then cut all of the strings holding the branches up. He thought that just letting the branches hang down might help to keep them from blowing over. He gave them a good watering and gathered 12 large green tomatoes from where they had fallen. Fried green tomatoes are a favorite of many southern gardeners.

Yesterday I happened upon a squirrel in one of my blueberry bushes. He must have heard the crunch of my golf cart tires on the gravel as he frantically ran back and forth until he must have remembered the fence and scampered up onto a post and was gone. Last year the squirrels got all of the pears in a large pear tree up near the main road. They were seen with pears in their mouths, coming down the tree and running away. I would never have thought that squirrels would eat pears, or perhaps they thought they had found the mother lode of nuts !! And did not even have to crack them.!

I have seen some strange things around this place. A number of years ago, possibly ten, we were having a rare snow fall. It had just begun to snow and I was watching out the front windows when I saw what at first appeared to be a dog. But it proved to be a red fox and he was romping and jumping and running around playing in the snow. He was just as excited as could be. I had to believe it was his first snow !

Foxes do not generally show themselves. I once saw one on my back, brick porch. He had the thinnest little legs. Another time I was coming home after dark . As I drove around to the back of my house my headlights fell on a fox which was standing at the top of a stone wall. I stopped my car about twenty feet from him. He stood still for about thirty seconds and then was gone.

I recall my first encounter with wildlife when I was around age five living in southeastern Kentucky, I was playing in the woods behind our home and came across some baby rabbits in their nest with their eyes still closed. I watched in wonder and then quietly slipped away. I was reminded of that experience a number of years ago. I have thirty windows across the front of my living room. They are covered with triple honeycomb shades. They face the south and I keep them closed in hot weather so my house is cooler. Ond day I raised one of them about twelve inches and walked away. Later I was looking out and saw a rabbit patiently sitting there under the branches of a cotoneaster bush. I carefully came closer and witnessed a mother rabbit crouched over her nest - a depression in the ground - patiently allowing her babies to nurse. I left the blinds in that same position in order to observe them. The next time my grandson came to see me they were still there but much larger. We went out to see them firsthand and just our presence a few feet away frightened them, as they scampered into the grass and on to the woods. Perhaps some of the brown bunnies I see around here from time to time are the descendants of those little babies we watched. At least I like to think so.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Bridge - or not !

At bridge games on Friday a nice gentleman made a map for me to follow and visit the novice games at the center in Dawsonville on Mondays. The directions seemed plain to me so I started out this morning giving myself 50 minutes to find the place. I drove almost to where I needed to be and decided I had gone too far, so I turned around and asked directions. A lady from Michigan at a gas station sent me off in the opposite direction , she assured me she lived on the street I was looking for so trusting somone who had only been in Georgia for a few weeks I headed out again. After coming to my senses I turned around and tried the same route again. This time before I had gone too far I went into a CVC drug store thinking I would find an intelligent person there to direct me. I did. So, once again I headed out where I had been originally - I had just not driven far enough. After a few wrong turns I found the swimming pool which was a landmark for the bridge center. Had to ask directions again, finally I found it and there was no parking place left, just signs saying "don't park here". How rude !! I decided it was a sign from God, so I thought I should just go home and give it all up. However as I went past the 400 Premium Outlet I rememered the Food Court there and decided to just go in for rest and refreshment. I bought a chocolate chip cookie baked by that preeminent cookie lady, Mrs. Fields. While munching the cookie in the pleasant surrounding of the food court, I began to ponder the situation. "If God did not want me to play bridge, what WAS He telling me."?? I came to the conclusion that since I was in this big shopping mall I should look for the answer here. I got up, walked out and there was a big sign saying "Dress Barn". Well if God wanted me to go shopping who am I to spurn his advise. At the door I was met by a caring, helpful clerk who took me all over the store gathering blouses for me to try on and capri pants as well. As a result of her attentive presence I ended up spending almost $100 on cool summer casual wear.

Driving down 400 toward home I continued to revisit my obsession for a bridge partner. By the time I reached home I had determined to call the Senior Center in Cumming as see if they had any bridge games going on. Well, it just so happened they did not, but wait!! They did have another center just up the road from me and they play on Thursdays all day if you want to, and better yet they are always looking for people to play. It is not my nature to look for signs from God, but it does appear he was giving me some directions, perhaps subliminal, but effective. I rest my case !!!!!

heirloom tomatoes

What a pleasant surprise this morning to have an email from my niece, Ann. Ann and three of her cousins were all expected to be born around the same time. Char and Susan arrived first Everyone was betting on who would be next in line, Ann or my daughter. My mother had come to stay for the impending birth. When my daughter arrived a few days before Easter,my mom wrote to her son to say we had won and Ann would have to be next in line of grandchildren. However, in those days when letters were used more commonly than phones (forget emails, they did not exist), we learned that we had been too eager. Ann had arrived first. Of course we were surprised and delighted that my brother had this lovely daughter, his second.

Now that second daughter is living far from us and has her own two daughters and a busy life as mother, wife, operating nurse and an avid heirloom tomato grower. I must learn more about her hobby. I was intrigued with the picture of the heart shaped strawberry tomato she sent. I did start five Parks Whopper tomatoes from seeds this year but also succumbed to buying three plants which are outgrowing the Parks Whopper by leaps and bounds.

Many decisions are based upon assumptions. For the past two summers I have assumed that we would have sufficient rain to support a vegetable garden. And for the past two summers I have had to fall back on using water from my well. Fortunately it is deep and supplies all the water I need. I have a bountiful return from my garden this year because my son-in-law put a lot of hard work into tilling, amending and fertilizing the soil in my raised beds. I have been able to make 21 pints and 4 quarts of bread and butter pickles so far, plus two pints of pickled beets. The beets are for my son and grandson who really dig them (not literally - I did that ) !! As long as my family and friends enjoy the pickles I will continue to haul out the big pots and ice down the cucumbers for the 5 hour process. One day I hope to successfully make dill pickles, but that day has not come !

Sunday, June 28, 2009

family, early marriage, socializing

The sun crept in around my drapes this morning before I was ready as I was out later than usual last evening. Our pastor hosted a picnic at his home for our S.S. class. I had planned to drive myself to his home. However in the directions to his home he had asked us to share rides due to limited parking space. So it was determined that I would ride over with a couple in our class. When I arrived at the home of the couple, I phoned them to say I was early and would wait in my car until they were ready.

Soon after, the gentleman came out carrying a cake and said his wife was not feeling well so she was not coming. As we drove along I learned a lot about him. One topic brought up another and it all started with the fact that he was having moisture problems in his house. His kitchen floor was being replaced and the entire house had been in turmoil all week, I countered with information about having a series of major repairs in my home this year. This led to hobbies and gardening and being passionate about hobbies. It seems his big interest was golf. In the past he and his wife played weekly and he laughingly told about how his wife had once beat him in a game, no doubt to his surprise.

When we arrived at the picnic, he jokingly told the group that he did not bring his wife but he did bring me. This all reminds me of some events in my early marriage years. My husband and I spent the first three summers of our marriage at Peabody College in Nashville, Tenn. He took those summers to work on a masters degree and work he did !!
Each day and night was spent in class and in studies. One evening of each week we had a date night. The rest of the time I was on my own. I kept house, prepared meals, read, helped a girlfriend with illustratins for a project, sunbathed and played tennis with a male friend from my college days. It was all innocent and aboveboard. However, after a few days of tennis my husband calmly told me that he would prefer that I not play tennis with this friend. It had never occurred to me that this was inappropriate. I was merely filling in time while he studied. Of course I readily complied.

The tennis incident was brought to mind after I came home last night. I always leave my radio playing when I leave home and last night Alan Hunt's talk show was on. He always talks about what is right and what is wrong, not what is right and what is left, politically. His focus was the headline news this week re: the governor of South Carolina who was having an affair with a girl from Argentina. His take on the issue was that the governor had not received the strokes he needed from his wife, for his big ego. If I got the gist of it, all powerful men have big egoes and this man's wife was a distinguished person on her own. She was doing her job raising four boys while he was being governor and somewhere along the way mothering was taking most of her attention. Thus her husband felt neglected.

I think my young husband was wise in his suggestion regarding the tennis. He was indeed older (four years) then me and wiser ( having gone through a war in Europe ). In contrast I was brought up in a big family, all very church oriented, in a secluded mountain town in southeastern Kentucky. At another time in our marriage - after two children and a move to the eastern shore of Maryland - he calmly told me that I was too friendly around men and they did not understand that. I appreciated this information as I did not realize that I was doing such a thing. At around this tme it was common practice for men to go door to door selling things. I had allowed a saleman to come into our home to demonstrate a vacuum cleaner, it was common practice and in no way did I see it as an unwise thing to do since I did need a vacuum cleaner. After this incident he asked me not to allow any salesmen in our home when he was absent. In the present time no woman would dare allow a stranger into their home, even with her husband present.

In this line of thought,consideration and cooperation in any relationship is like a glue that holds it together.

My son likes to hear stories about his father, had you heard these stories my son???

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yesterday was the Friday duplicate open games day. For my first visit it was stressful to say the least. But had I not gone two people would not have been able to play. My teacher was my partner and I was glad of that. He cannot claim points and I knew he would not expect much from me. I did not disappoint him !! In spite of what he had taught in our lessons on Wednesdays past, I did not pick up on a Jacobi transfer. Our opposition knew it and mercifully did not double. Of course we went down !! At the end of the day when our teacher totaled the boards he announced the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Then he called me over to look at his computer. We would have been 4th place except he was not able to claim (because he was the director just filling in). That would have made me feel better if I had only recognized the Jacobi transfer !!! Well, that was the first time anyone had bid it in a game with me, and well, I could find lots of reasons to excuse myself !!! The truth is I need to study more and more important I need someone to discuss bridge with outside of bridge play day. My goal is to find a permanent partner.

On the bright side, I had decided that I just needed to drop out of this and stay at home and be content gardening, etc. However in talking with another lady there she said that if you did not consider quitting at least three times you were not normal. She even admitted being scared to playing the board we had just finished ( she was declarer). One lady said she would be afraid to play with our teacher !! Well at least I felt comforted because I WAS playing with my teacher and glad of it.

I suppose the moral of this day could be when your chin is draggin' don't despair as you may fall flat on your face and someone will be there to help you up. Isn't it interesting how a kind word can make a difference in your course of action ???

Friday, June 26, 2009

garden surprises

Yesterday I noticed that more water was needed in part of my raised beds so early this morning I turned on the water and headed down. When I moved the hose to where it was needed I noticed a cucumber that I had misssed before. Of course I did not have a basket or plastic bag to put it in so my pocket received this one, as I walked around I noticed another one and then another and by the time I finished I had nine cucumbers. Now, if I had gone down with a basket I would have found nothing to put in it !

Last week I picked two green tomatoes as they were crowding out the others on that branch. At this same spot I had to pick two more today as they are growing so fast there is not room for them in between the stalks. These measured 3.5 inches across and still growing. This is from the plant (properly ) named Goliath. The plum tomatoes are funny little things, as they look deformed, almost pear shaped. It will be interesting to see how they look at maturity. This plant is determinate, so all of the fruit will ripen at once.

I planted four "hills" of squash. Two yellow crookneck and two zucchini, black beauty. Only the yellow squash have produced. Usually zucchini is a heavy producer but so far nothing ! Either something is eating the blooms or the whole bunch is male. I need to consult the agent at the extension service. This is one service that is free and I use these folks all the time.

I do not understand how one row of beans comes up and the other does not. Either the soil is better in one spot or it gets more water. These blue lake beans are great for freezing and are really tender and tasty for fresh eating. I plan to keep planting them in spots where spring veggies have run their course. Snow peas are fading out now but the kale is still going gangbusters. Jim , my son-in-law learned about kale this spring. He had never tasted it and did not even want to try , but we finally convinced him to give it a try. He was more surprised than Bonnie and I were that he liked it !!!! He began buying it at the market where he shops and he is the reason I planted it this year. Since he prepared the soil I thought he should have some rewards from his labor (he does not like tomatoes) , poor soul. !

Does anyone know how lizards fit into the garden scene? This is the second year I have had them at the raised beds. I hope they are just there to eat bugs and I have seen two so I believe that there may be more as time goes by!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

brudge - party

Today I went as a substitute to play party bridge. They were all nice ladies and it was very social and maybe that was the problem. I have been in a more structured game situation. When I am at the novice lessons we use certain cue bids and it all seems much more clear. I am not sure I should ever do the party bridge again. Proof of that is that I had LOW score and I got back the dollar I put in the "kitty". I felt out of my element. So, tomorrow I am going to the Friday games and if I am asked to play ( meaning: if someone does not show up to take their seat ), then I will be the "warm body" so the game can proceed.

While I was away a young man came to look at the grass in the vineyard to give me a price for mowing. He is with a partner in a new company and I think it will be affordable for me and good for him as he has another client on my street. My riding mower is rattling and complaining each time it is used so it is time for a change. I can handle the pruning in the vineyard that is needed after Christmas as we usually have enough pleasant weather during February and March. it is not difficult for me to do, especially if I do not skip any years in pruning. Standing and cutting vines and hauling them off in the golf cart is not hard work at all. I actually enjoy this part of gardening. My neighbors pass by and wave or stop to chat as I work, but no one has been enticed to get some pruners and try my hobby !!

I took cucumbers, yellow squash and green tomatoes to my friend who drove to the party bridge. She has a lot of company visiting her on a fairly regular schedule and I was getting burned out on making pickles !! She is the organist/pianist for our church. A red headed , energetic Georgia grandmother ! The next day I will be able to find time for pickle making is next week so this works out fine. And I have some large overgrown ones to put in my experimental compost ! And as they say "all is well that ends well".

bridge substitute

Thursday is usually a day of working in the garden but today is different. My friend Sally Britt, who is the organist/pianist at our church asked me to substitute in her other bridge group. I guess someone is on vacation otherwise why would they NOT be there !!

I will be going by Sally's and she will drive to this bridge friend's house. I called her and asked if she would like some cucumbers, yellow squash and a fat green tomato from my garden. She said she would love them so I will not have to "do something" with these ! After 6 batches of bread and butter pickles I need a break from canning.

Yesterday at the duplice novice group the two couples who had been the mainstay of our group dropped out. So the teacher asked me if I would be willing to come on Fridays and I want to continue so I agreed. But if he needs a warm body to fill in I will do that. These folks are working for master points so they may not be too pleased to have this green horn stepping in. I bought another book from James on defending a contract so now I have two books by William Root. I will continue reading and trying to remember the info in these books. That is no easy task !! If I am lucky today I will win $8 as each person has to put one buck in the "kitty".

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wednesday is hair cut, set, color, whatever day, also it is the day for novice bridge class. This I started back in February. The lessons are free so far but when I am ready to start playing the regular duplicate games then I will pay to play. I would not recommend waiting 23 years between bridge playing as one tends to forget. Both of the teachers I have had, James Dober and Jane Stockard are excellent players and are excellent teachers.

I have some old books on bridge and while some of the information is still valid, a lot of it is passe'. I did buy a new book by William Root called Commonsense Bidding. It IS up to date. Of course I have misplaced it but it has been the most helpful book so far. Mostly just getting in there and playing (and learning by making mistakes) is the very best way to learn. I do need a partner on a regular basis and that has not happened yet. Hopefully one will suddenly appear and we will hit it off and then there will be no turning back !!


My alarm clock is the light coming in around the drapes in my bedroom. In the summer this is around 6:00 a.m. Once that alarm goes off there is no more sleep unless I was up really late the night before.

Today I had grapefruit juice and headed out to set up the hose for watering. My watering system is a long connection of hoses that run along the side of the woods. At two spots there are Y connections so that I have hose running over to my blueberry patch and lower down is a Y connection for a hose to run across to some other plants. At the end of the line is where my raised beds are, the main destination and end of the line.

Today I turned the water on up at the west side of my house and walked down to the first Y and simply turned the cut off so that the water all went to the blueberries. I noticed yesterday that they did not seem to be getting larger as fast as I would like. Ed Abbot my blueberry guru told me that you cannot give blueberries too much water, so I determined to give them an extra drink today. Since I have about nine bushes in this bed I have to move the hose around. I give each bush about 30 minutes. It is cool and pleasant here in north Georgia early in the morning so I get in some good walking between changes.

While I had the water running on the lower bush I went inside the fence and pulled up some persistent weeds. The heavy pine bark mulch keeps most of the weeds at bay. The fence keeps the rabbits at bay. I am not so sure about the little chipmonk which has a little burrow under a tree stump. He is so small he may be able to slip in between the wires, but does he like blueberries?????

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bubbie is still learning

Greetings, this is a new learning experience for me. My son-in-law is my mentor in cyber space. So, if you want to check in and see what an 83 year old retired first grade teacher does with her time, be my guest, but don't be shocked. This all reminds me of an amusing incident with Ray Parsons many years ago. He was never happy as a teacher or principal. He finally cut loose from his profession and got a job in sales. When he returned from his first sales conference he had a cartoon of a goofy looking, toothless, wild eyed man with a name tag on his lapel. The caption under the picture read, , "Once I did not even know what a sailsman was, and now I are one".Way back in college when I first began dating Raymond one of his friends made this comment to him, "so you finally found a girl who would listen to you".It was no secret that he liked to talk. Most who know me know that I like to write. Hopefully dear reader, you enjoy reading, If so, we will have a good future together.