Friday, December 20, 2013

Sweetie's Confinement

My neighbor, Sweetie's benefactor came for her on Wednesday as planned.  She went quietly with him in the carrier, and the lady Vet was very pleased with such a gentle kitten in her surgery.  They were impressed with her quiet demeanor and that rather surprised me as she talks to me all the time.

After spending the night at the animal hospital she was dismissed and is now back in her kennel where she must rest until her stitches are removed after Christmas.  Her first day back in the kennel was spent mostly sleeping but as she rested and began to recuperate she began to show some agitation.  She tried to climb the side and also to climb to the top of the heated bed/house inside the large kennel with her.  She had a thing or two to say to me too, like what did I do to deserve this?  Haven't I been a good pet?  I obey when you say get down and even when you say stay.  So, why am I stuck back in here where I began my life with you?  There is no way I can explain to her that this was done to keep more stray cats from filling up our neighborhood.

The day before she had her surgery she spent most of the day inside with me.  She even went up the curved stairway with considerable speed.  She discovered the chimes hanging near the steps and gave them a ring as she went by.  I rather liked that.  For one thing it lets me know she is not busy scratching on the furniture or climbing up where she might knock over something made of glass.  Since I have the upstairs bedroom doors closed she has limited space to explore.  When I get curious to know just what is keeping her so quiet up there I call and she comes to the railing and sticks her head out to see why I am calling her.  When I encourage her she comes down and more play takes place.  She much prefers to be in the open part of the house rather than confined to the one sun room.  However I fear she must stay in a small space for a while.  The Vet says she needs a small space in order to not get too active and tear the stitches so carefully placed on her tummy.

 I can see the wisdom in confinement  but Sweetie must think she is being punished.  I did put a radio out there so she could hear human voices - even though she could not recognize them.  Hopefully the time will pass quickly for her.  I do not know if kittens can actually watch television but if I had a small one I could put it out there for her entertainment.  I can see that I am giving her human qualities, but I do not know how to deal with the situation otherwise.  Perhaps it is enough for now that she is in a protected place where food appears on a regular basis and water is regularly replenished.

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