Saturday, December 28, 2013

Out of the Kennel

Sweetie's benefactor is coming today to take her in for removable of the stitches on her underside. 

Her confinement time in the kennel has passed and she has had the run of the sun room now for a week.  She seems content as she now has something for comparison, being locked in the kennel.  She still likes to peek in and see what her care taker is up to.  As long as her food and water bowls are replenished in a timely fashion she does not try to climb the door looking for a way to get in to where I am.

Her benefactor, J.W., is faithful to come and do exactly what he has said he will do.  He has been spending his evenings building a super comfy house for her to live in when she is introduced to the big world out there, waiting for her to explore and conquer.

The last feline to live in the sun room was Chester, the black male cat which I thought would be my outside cat and main mouser.  Alas Chester lasted two days (or nights) outside.  I thought he was content as he was last seen lounging under a Leyland Cypress which is on a rise at the west side of my house.  It is a mystery as to why he disappeared after that second night.  His former mistress, now my daughter-in-law, had brought a heated portable nylon house for his comfort outdoors, when it became cold.  He never got to use it but Sweetie has been enjoying it from her first cold night in the sun room.  She appreciates a good thing when she sees it.

Since she enjoys the finer things, J.W. is building a nice wooden house lined with Styrofoam and inside the insulation will be the heated house.  This house will be set up on a  platform so that Sweetie can sleep in the knowledge that she is high enough to discourage most of the night time critters in the neighborhood.

It will only be a few days until she will be smelling the sweet outdoors and getting to know the lay of the land up here on the hill.  Then there will be no turning back.  Oh, I expect she will show up in the morning and evening for her regular meals.  I wonder if she will know what to do with her first fresh prey.  Will she be willing to share it with her care taker?  Only time will tell.  I do believe that J.W. will be stopping by to visit with her.  After all she has been his pet  project for some time now.  He was the one to rescue her from sure death at the hands of the animal control.  He was the one to give her a name when he said "She is a sweetie".  You do not forget an old love even when it is a kitten that you saved from extinction.
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