Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kitty No Tail

 Kitty No Tail, aptly named "Sweetie" because of her sweet disposition is off today for her first medical appointment.  She left by carrier when my neighbor came  by early to take her in to see the Vet who will inoculate her against Rabies.  When she recovers from this necessary health measure, she will be allowed to go outside where she really wants to be.  She responds very nicely to my neighbor who just has a special touch.  He has a low chuckle when he is talking to her and she is used to receiving kind treatment from him since birth.  He saved her from sure death at the hands of the animal control group in our town.  She will now tolerate my petting but not for long.  She prefers to play  when I engage her in various games. 

While visiting a new store in our area I went to the pet department to find her kind of kitten chow.  I saw some toys and bought two little balls red and green (for the current season) which had rattling objects inside them.  I thought she  would enjoy them and she did when I rolled one past her.  That kept her happily purring for quite some time.

When she is settled in her own outdoor home I expect she will just go crazy with excitement from all the added attractions at her disposal.  I hope she stays out of the trees for a while.  I have never had to rescue a cat from a tall tree and do not look forward to that.  However I think she is old enough now to come back down if she does get up too high.  She does like to climb as high as she can get, so it could happen.  She climbs the curved steps in this house and gets back down with no problem.

I think she is a worthy opponent when it comes to speedy movements.  I can detect a movement from the corner of my eye and by the time I turn my head she is gone.  She is pretty good to come when I call her, but she does it in her own time, not mine.  I do believe she is cautious enough to escape any owls or coyotes that may come around.  Her hearing is very acute.  I have seen her turn her head from a movement of mine when I am inside the house and she is in the sun room with the door closed.  I am talking about a faint noise like a footstep.

So, Sweetie has a whole new world waiting for her outside.  She has five acres to roam and explore.  I hope she stays within the confines of this place as there is a hoot owl living several thousand  feet away from here.  He has already tried to take my neighbor's cat, but this cat was too heavy for him.  He had to drop it before he got air born, but he left 6 puncture wounds in this big cat.  I will try to bring Sweetie indoors at night for a while just to be sure she is safe.  If you have been reading here before you know that my record for taking in felines is not exemplary.  I want to redeem myself with Sweetie, so I will leave the sun room open to her for a while, just in case she needs more protection at night when she is  sleeping peacefully.
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