Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Purring Machine

 A few weeks ago when this little kitten was brought to  me, she would try to hide from me and would not leave her kennel.  What a difference I see now that she has had a chance to eat all she needs, drink all she needs and feel warm and secure.  I think she likes her new environment. 

Better things are in store for her.  When she has grown and reached the age for spaying, she will be taken outdoors and then life will become much more interesting for her. Right now she can see out of the many windows, and watch the wildlife all about this house.  But later she will be promoted to chief squirrel chaser and chipmunk aggravater as well as lizard conqueror.

I saw some evidence of her agility one day when a black fly materialized inside  one of the windows.  I thought it was on the outside but she knew better, as she jumped and pawed at the window.  When the fly flew across the room, I realized it was indeed inside.  In her old life on the streets she would have had a snack.  Yuck !!  That is hard to contemplate.

When she was allowed to come inside for a change of scenery, she had to jump up on things and get a better look at everything now at her eye level.  The first three times that I invited her inside she jumped behind my washing machine in the laundry room.  It was so narrow and deep behind there that she could not spring back up.  I had to move some storage drawers in order for her to get out.  After doing this for three times, I believe she  knows that there is nothing of interest to her back there, so she has not gone there again.

Sweetie has made a good adjustment and will be taken good care of, but plenty of animals are out there with no one to care for them.  My friend who loves cats has a good idea which I believe could prove to be a money saving effort for our local governments.  It is his contention that if free spaying and neutering of animals were available for animals up for adoption then there would be less stray animals producing more animals and in time there would not be a need for a big budget in animal  control.  At the same time there would be plenty of animals around to satisfy anyone  who wants a pet. His idea seems a much more humane way of controlling the many stray animals that are costing money to keep the animal population in balance.
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