Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall Feelings and Family Fellows

Fall Feelings and Family Fellows


Before the sun was up, I was

Sleep had flown away

Ideas filled my head while I in bed still lay

Of food like pumpkin pie and stuffing and such

Thoughts came and left in frantic rush

Of peach scent wafting through the air

Yellow, dancing mesmerizing flames

Dominating the scene with fire like games

While folks gathered together for the ritual of fall

It is Thanksgiving after all

A time to go back to grandmother’s house

To greet and meet and laugh and talk

And perhaps to take a woods path walk

Gather some colorful found leaves along the way

To grace our table for the day

We miss those no longer here

We may even shed a tear

Remembering those days gone by

We never lose them you know

For in our hearts they live and grow

While we are making ones anew to

Carry forward to future times that bind us

Forever to each other

To live again, another day when future families

Come this way

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