Friday, November 23, 2012

Expecting Chester

Things happen in life which are totally unexpected, but which are so appropriate at the time.  We were sitting around our dining table, eight of our family including two guests, enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner.  The subject of cats came up and my son made the astonishing statement that "when cats look at humans they do not see a human face, rather a cat image".  This was hotly challenged by all at the table, but he did not back down as no one had proof either way.

When I announced that I was looking for a guard cat to keep the squirrels away from my plants, I set off a series of plans which ensured that I would indeed be the recipient of a manly, no nonsense one eared cat which had earned the reputation of  school yard bully.  His owner proclaimed he could protect my place from cats, dogs, deer and any other approaching animal.

That was exactly what I was looking for.  I want a pet that can stay outside, find his own food and stave off marauding woods critters, which I now have in abundance.  I can only imagine I will need to entice him with some treats and tidbits not found on the run, but that, I am willing to do.

In the back of my mind I wondered if there were any red flags fluttering about in our conversation, especially when his owner said "I'd pay someone to take him."  But when you are blinded by desire you do not see those streaks of red.  All I could feel was the hot heat of anger from the squirrels eating all of the fat buds on my Christmas Sasanqua on the west side of my house.  The county extension service agent confirmed that squirrels indeed will eat the  buds off  winter blooming Sasanqua.  I needed to act quickly before they discover the fat buds on my red Camellia on the  east side of my house.  I could not  bear it if I could not see those beauties next month when nothing else was blooming here.

So, I feel a new era is upon me, in the reign of Chester, long awaited savior.

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