Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Change of Pace

For all of my gardeners out there, I cut my last yellow heirloom tomato for breakfast this morning with a poached egg, toast and fried apples). I had picked it green as a frost was predicted and I knew it would ripen indoors. I still have a few small red tomatoes sitting on my window sill along with the few kiwi I picked a week ago.

Reading is always a stolen pleasure for me. I stay so busy with other things that reading gets pushed to the side, unless I am studying for a lesson, etc. I have been reading a very interesting book which was published a long time ago around 1980.
It is not the first book I have read by Catherine Marshall LeSourd. On my shelf I have a copy of Christy. This one was based on her Mother and her teaching experiences. It was given to me by one of my student's parents the year I taught their daughter in first grade.

The book I am thinking of now was written for Catherine's daughter when she was preparing for her marriage. She had asked her mother for advise in the coming change taking place in her life. This book was Catherine's response. The title is "Meeting God At Every Turn".

I have picked up on one of the things that Catherine did over the years. I like the idea and I want to give it a try. Her Bible study was more structured than mine so I want to try to adopt her strategy. She got up early before the rest of the family for Bible and prayer time. She had always kept a journal (an idea I like) and she started a prayer journal. Each day she would write down what was foremost in her mind and concern at that time, and specific prayer request that day. When she had an answer for that prayer she would note that also and the date. In reviewing her journal she saw how her prayers were answered. She marveled at how events and people worked together to answer her prayers. This is one of the promises given to us in our Bible. Romans 8:28 - "all things work together for good for those who trust the Lord". Thus, a prayer offered may bring an answer in many different forms, and from many different people. I found that an intriguing idea.

I have seen this in my own life and it will be a new adventure to try recording this in a Prayer Journal. The one sure way for me to keep myself on track is to tell someone else what I am planning. So, now it has been told ! A big commitment and I am committed to it.

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