Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good-bye to November

I was really happy to see November come. October had not been an easy month for me. However I did get through it with some medical help and am none the worse for it all. I suppose November must have the last say about the weather as today we have a tornado watch in north Georgia. The day started out very foggy and has been dreary all day. Most of the leaves have fallen. When I look at the hickory tree in back, against the sky it is still holding some brown leaves high up near the top. It has fed the squirrels all fall and probably will during the winter months. I occasionally find the hickory shells left by these wild animals. They seem to like to eat on my brick walk.

I am not without pretty blooms outdoors however. The Christmas Sasanqua on the west side of the house is loaded with deep red blooms. The centers are showy with the many stamens holding the yellow pollen. It is still a small bush but is remarkable in the number of blooms at this time of year. When this Sasanqua stops blooming the buds on the camellia at the east corner will be opening. For a few months we will be able to cut those blooms and bring them in to cheer us in the cold weather. When they have stopped blooming we still have the Daphne to give us their heavenly, heavy fragrance in January and February.

So all in all it is a colorful time of year with the bright yellowing of the tulip leaves, the red of the Sourwood and orange of the maples. I have in mind some outstanding specimens to look for each fall. Some I see right from my windows.

So, as I say Welcome to December and all of it's bright lights and decorations, I can still enjoy the lingering of some of fall's best colors.

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