Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Unless I have a pressing mission for the day, I have a leisurely breakfast and usually find something to read while eating alone. I just pick up whatever is at hand. This morning when I reached for a book on bridge I saw my sister's Bible and a thought ran through my mind regarding something that was said in our Sunday School class on Sunday. This old Bible is a great reference book.

It is 2.5 inches thick and has helpful guides other than the scripture. It is unlike any of the modern Bibles currently seen in the book stores. It was published at Philadelphia by the National Bible Press in 1934. "The title page is from the title to the first edition of the famous King James Version of 1611. Originally a wood cut printed in black and white, the beautiful design has been much enhanced by its reproduction in full colors. These have been carefully chosen, particularly as they apply to the high priest's vestments, to conform to the details given in the 28th chapter of Exodus." That is a direct quote from the back of the title page. This title page depicts incidents in the life of Christ by the German artist Heinrich Hofmann.

This is the book I chose to look up a scripture which was mentioned in our class by a new member. The discussion at hand was how to combat evil in our lives. Various suggestions were made such as prayer, meditation, worship and fellowship with other Christians. Then it was summarized very well I thought, by this new member saying" take on the armour of God" That was the scripture I was looking for this morning. This Bible has a key in the front and that makes it possible to find anything in the Bible quickly . I found it in the book of Ephesians 6:13-17 when Paul was advising the church there how to protect themselves from evil. There is another reference in 1st Thessalonians 5:8 saying in the modern language "since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation ".

What brought me to this train of thought this morning was the recent death of my younger brother. When I was in Virginia for his funeral I learned things about him from his family members and others. His wife of 58 years said that each morning when he got up he said "what can I do to help someone today".
That is one very positive way of putting on the armor of God.

Learning new things about my younger brother and being with his family was inspiring to me. It was an infusion of new life and energy, an affirmation of family, faith and friends. Having my daughter with me on this trip was an added bonus. She is a great travel buddy and a helpful presence in any situation.

Adopting the attitude of "being helpful to someone today" seems an honorable way to begin your day. How can you be sidetracked by unwholesome ventures when you are out helping another human being.

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