Thursday, May 20, 2010

Special Family Friends

A few days ago I turned on a night light which is a Christmas gift from a young friend. It is quite elegant with green glass beads dangling on the sides and top. The gift came from Sabeen, a friend of my grandson Jeff. She was spending Christmas day with us two years ago. She is a beautiful young lady and has been Jeff's friend since his days at Arizona State. She is now studying in England at Brighton College. I only saw her that one day that we spent together with the other members of my family. This beautiful gift reminds me of her and I wonder if she is well and having a good year in England, her previous home before coming to the United States.

This triggered other memories of friends of my son and gifts that I received from them. I am not good at severing friendships. I remember and think of old friends even though I do not see or have contact with them. They are going on with their lives and I with mine, but the memories linger. I am glad for the friendships and for the memories.

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