Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God Hears and Answers

In the 1940's in a small town in the coal mining area of Kentucky an operating room nurse was struggling to raise her two young sons on her own. Her marriage had come to an end because an illness left her husband dependent upon pain medication. Her sons were not safe nor was she, living with a man addicted to drugs. She came to this town to take a night job in order to be with her two young boys during the day. A friend stayed with the boys while they slept. It was an impossible schedule and she knew it could not go on this way. One night while she was bathing her little boys she began to cry. As her tears fell on the bathtub she began to pray for deliverance from this intolerable living situation. She had not been a believer but she desperately asked God to help her.

One of the doctors she helped in the operating room was a Christian. She had not told him of her situation but two evenings later while she was at work this good doctor told her he needed a nurse to run his clinic at one of the mining camps. There was a house that went with the job and the clinic was open only in the mornings.

She could hardly believe her ears. God answered her prayers far beyond her expectations. A house, a job, short hours. From that day forward this nurse became a faithful servant of the Lord in every aspect of her life. For the rest of her life she never failed to tithe her salary, worship at every opportunity and witness to others about what had happened to her in her time of need.

Over the years I kept in touch with this dedicated Christian. After I moved to another state I made it a point to stop by her new home and visit with her. On one of my last visits I was telling her about making baskets. She brought out a cloth basket which her sister had made. She made a gift of it to me. I now have it sitting on a table where I can see it. It reminds me that God indeed hears us and does indeed answer us beyond our wildest dreams.

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