Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garden Tour

Today is voting day here where I live. We are electing a Congressman to replace Nathan Deal in Washington. One nice thing about going to the polls is that you see people who are neighbors whom you hardly ever see. We all live close enough to each other that we can visit but not walk to their homes unless you are a really avid walker. Today I ran into the Pinsons who farm up the road from me. She is a retired chemistry teacher and he is retired from Boeing. They are serious farmers and also raise cattle, chickens and lots of edible things that grow in their fields. They are both handsome people and most pleasant to see and to know.

Since it is a cool cloudy day it is just right for exploring in the garden to see what is coming up and what weeds are taking over. I went up in my work horse to try and find the praying mantis egg cases I tied into the vineyard. The leaves are so thick I could not find the red netting I used to tie them with. On Sunday Grant and I went looking for the one tied by my dining window and it had not hatched. So, it is a little early yet for them. I was able to check out the kiwi and the blooms are out in full bloom on the male plants and just coming to bloom on the female.

I found lots of green figs on the one tree we left standing. The tree looks healthier for the pruning and the figs nice and plump. The two huge pear trees have grape sized pears hanging everywhere. I hope I can get some before the squirrels steal them all. Near the kiwi I have one red raspberry plant. It is trying to make fruit, but is not as big as I would like. The one green niagra seedless grape vine I put up in the vineyard in the second row is putting out new leaves so that is good news.

I noticed the black bamboo is putting out new growth this year. It is about three years old and has had to get roots going before the top growth can come on. Moving on down to the raised beds I see growth but not rapid growth. I think it is a bit cool yet for a lot to happen. They too are developing a good root system to support what is yet to come. The Thai white eggplant has not come up at all. I think it likes really hot weather so I will wait and see on that one. The patty pan squash is not doing much growing so I assume it needs more sun and warmth.

I will give the Arapaho blackberry a thumbs up and it is one big lush plant. The ones I planted in that bed with it are blooming but do not have the vigor of this one plant. Of the 15 burpless cucumber seeds I planted 12 are up and looking happy. I still have another packet with 15 seeds so at some point I will pop them in the ground for later in the summer.

I had such high hopes for the sequoia strawberries, but they are disappointing me. I think it is the soil, it needs more sand. So, that is a chore I will need to attend to. I am very happy with the blueberry bushes this year. Having a netting up to keep the wild animals away has really helped. I just had to pull some weeds even without gloves, but the entire bed looks happy.

The one heirloom tomato plant is not happy in the pot inside the fenced beds. You can plant those tomatoes whenever you want but do not expect them to grow until they are happy with their setting. I still have all of the other plants in my sun room waiting for the right time to set them out. I think a green house would be a big help around here but that is a more serious step and I have not been willing to take it yet.

I hope you are out exploring your garden and finding things to be happy about.

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