Friday, October 2, 2009

Faithful Fall Flowers

One of the things I look forward to in the early fall is the appearance of big yellow blooms on the Stone Mountain Yellow Daisy. There is a story of how I became the recipient of these beautiful flowers. My good friend, who is no longer living, showed them to me in his garden. I admired them so he simply reached down and pulled some of them up by the roots. He told me to plant them where I wanted them. I was doubtful that they would grow after being yanked up that way. He assured me that they would indeed grow and spread. So, I did as he said and yes, they did grow and thrive and are now planted in three different places near my home. When they appear each fall it reminds me again of my friend and his wit and creativity. He is the friend who built the wall shown in the photo of the daisy.

Another fall perennial which appears about the same time is the Purple Ageratum . It is a product of "accidental gardening" a term which was introduced to me by my New Jersey gardening friend. This little purple flower was a hitch hiker which came along with some Liriope from my home in Decatur. In my home there I had a patio out back and around it I had planted some Liriope which was given to me in one of those sharing incidents. When I brought some of the Liriope up here to plant I did not even notice the ageratum as it was not in bloom. However once the Liriope was established the hitch hiker began to appear, first in the soil that it came up here in then it began to pop up in other places. Each fall I find a new spot where it has traveled and put down its roots. The roots are a web of crossing fibers which lace back and forth. The seeds must travel by way of the petals on the blooms. I can think of no other way that they would find themselves down the hill and growing by the foot bridge. I have never planted them anywhere on this place but they seem to pop up everywhere. I have pulled them up where I did not particularly want them but eventually just stopped doing that. Now I accept them as one of natures little fall surprises.

Another perennial which earns it's keep is the Autumn Joy Sedum. It is not a spreading plant but once established just stays there for years. This year it has the best color I have seen since I first planted it about four years ago.

Another faithful flower though not specifically fall appearing are the Gerbera Daisies . They are not fast spreading but once they are put in a favorable spot they live there for years and spread slowly. I have some near my front door which have been there for about ten years. I have dug some of them up on several occasions but left a few to continue living in that spot. They are in full sun and that suits them perfectly.

There is a shade loving plant on the north side of my house which blooms in the spring and continues to bloom until we have a hard freeze. It is the shamrock. There are three of them and they do not like to compete with the roots of other plants. I had to rescue them this summer when some rude weeds threatened their space. By pulling up the intruders and putting down rich soil I gave them permission to once again shine with their perky white blooms which close in the evening and reopen in the morning. It gives me much pleasure to have these faithful little friends greet me when I go back and forth from my back door.

At the time of year when other plants are finished growing and begin to dry up it is very rewarding to have these colorful ones come along to claim my attention and lengthen my gardening interest. It is like seeing old friends reappear. I know they are still around but do not notice them until they suddenly appear to greet me once again.
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