Monday, October 12, 2009

The Basket Persy Made

One of my "sometime" hobbies is making baskets. Ten months ago I ordered materials for making a mini bread basket. They came in a small box about 9" by 4". I put the box aside as I was busy with other projects at the time. Since it was January and grape vine pruning time, that may have been my preoccupation. Frequently I would move the box to a new spot and even onto the sun room which is not used in the colder months. I really wanted to get to it but other things ruled the day. Eventually I decided it was time to look inside the box. I discovered that everything was in order and began to read the directions. Well this will be a breeze I thought. So, I set it aside again and thought it would be so easy I would get to it another day. Months later I picked it up again.

There was nothing to deter me so I decided to just make this plain little bread basket. After all it was just simple weaving. After a few days I decided to put up a card table as it was not going as well as I had planned. This was taking longer than I expected. and I needed to set aside a special space to keep the work handy. Actually, I honestly believe the directions were incorrect. The directions had pictures along with each segment but the pictures always excluded the big problem I was having. Finally I just replaced two of the weavers that I had been told to split and turn under. It went much better after I did it my way.

The next big problem appeared when I really did not read and follow the directions. Such a simple deletion, but it threw things way off. More reverse weaving and a new start was in order. This went on for several weeks. I would put it aside when I felt tired as I wanted to enjoy the project.
Eventually, I got to the rims of the basket and the small handles at each end. I had given up on perfection and just wanted to get the thing done!! So, now it is and I never again want to use these directions to make a basket.
However, I do have another box of basket making materials that I have set aside , unopened, on the floor of a closet. The directions for the next one I have in mind is in a basket book I have used over the years. This one is called Amy's Basket and can be made in several sizes. I will need help I feel sure, for I could not have ever finished this little bread basket without the help of Persy. Who is Persy you may ask, well that is what I asked my husband after he told me that Persy had helped him finish a difficult task. His answer was Persy Verance. It is amazing how much Percy has helped me finish chores over the years. Things like painting the outside of my house. I did that in Maryland and again here in Georgia. Somehow it seems to help to know I am not doing it alone, but have Percy beside me. And sometimes he even talks to me!!

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