Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chester #2

Well, you caught me on my first day of freedom, out doing a little grass sampling.  Not the sort of thing a human would do on a first day of freedom, but hey, sometimes the taste of grass is just what fits the bill.

This place is going to be all right! I can come and go as I please, I can always come home for food and petting, I don't need money, and the hunting is open season all year long for ME!  I have not had my big catch yet, but I am just settling in and looking about to make the best selection.

Bubbie showed me the golf cart and I dutifully hopped aboard, but I did not stay.  I just don't feel secure in anything with wheels.  I have not forgotten getting into a wheeled thing and ending up in a room on a high table with a man in a white coat !!  He had me right where he wanted me and I like to be in control, so I prudently avoid any wheeled things.

Things just smell different when you are on the outside, a lot of new smells are up here and I intend to look into what is causing them.  Some, I think, are rabbit smells.  I did not  see one from my window this past week, but I still remember how they smell.  I love to chase those sissies.  They have the strangest way of running!  Okay, I have to get busy now and find out what is out in the woods next to us, I'll be in touch.

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