Friday, May 24, 2013

Chester Says

 "So this is where I am to live?  In this room with all the windows?  How do I get out to catch that chipmunk that just ran by?  And where are the other two cats I used to live with? Why didn't they come to live here too?  They were such sissies!  I could run rings around them with my  eyes closed.  It is so quiet up here far from Atlanta where cars and trucks and noisy things are.  Of course here I can look out all the windows, and I have them all to myself.  I will catch up on my sleep and rest and eat this bag of food and when the chance comes, I will be in fine shape to go out and see just what is out there.  I did see a butterfly go by.  It was safe from me for now.  I keep hearing a loud banging that I did not hear in my last home.  I saw a really big bird fly by, and then another one.  They look alike with their red heads and long beaks.  I will have to have some special strategy to catch those big boys.  But I know I can do it, I have a reputation to protect.  There is just these glass windows between me and a world of fun out there.  I will bide my time, and purr and practice on my scratching post until my big chance comes.  They can't keep me in here forever.  They will be begging me to get out there and catch those pesky critters.  So, if I play my cards right, the time will pass quickly and there will be some changes around here.   I am too great a hunter to waste away behind glass windows.

Mark my word, Chester will rule this hill, all in due time.
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