Friday, June 22, 2012

"I know you by name"

If you look in the Bible in the 33rd chapter of Exodus, verse 17, you will find the words that God spoke to Moses in one of their conversations about the plan which God had for Moses.  First God told Moses that His presence would be with him in this plan.  Then  God told Moses that He knew him by name.

That is a powerful statement.  It is a lot like saying "I know where you live", in a veiled threat.  But God meant it as a reminder that He sanctioned the plan He had for Moses and the people of Israel.

It is pretty awesome to think that God knows you by name.  It is comforting and at the same time scary.  It means you have a lot to live up to and it is powerful.  Can you imagine going all year in a classroom with a teacher who did not know your name?  In most classrooms by the second day the children appear, the teacher knows his/her name.  In most cases the teacher knew the name before the child entered the door and has prepared a name and attached it to the child's desk.  It is a good plan and establishes where the child will be "living" that school year and it establishes boundaries that all can identify.  In much the same way, God knew you before you appeared.

But getting back to God knowing your name,  it is a good thought to keep with you as you go through a difficult time.  "Robert, (or Alice or Sam)this is a hard thing you are experiencing right now but remember that you do not have to go it alone, I am present with you, and I know your name."  God is there in many ways, sending help in human form, or in ways you may never realize.

If life is especially hard for you right now, focus on God's presence being with you.  It is a powerful thing to experience God's presence, to know that He knows your name.

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