Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

Someone close to me used to say to me when he was leaving, "keep on keeping on".  He would also say upon leaving, "be sweet".  At the time I did not pay much attention to the words as I heard them often and that is probably why I remember them at all. 

With the long hot summer we are experiencing here in the southeastern part of the United States, those words came back to me.  When the temperatures outside are unbearable you are forced to find ways to "keep on keeping on".

Mostly it is keeping on indoors.  Fortunately my house has new soundproof windows and a newly repaired A/C so it is pleasant to stay indoors all day.  I find I can 'keep on' if I can get out in the less hot part of the day-early morning- to check on growing things or turn on the water to water my small garden, blueberry patch or new pecan tree.  Jim has made it possible for me to water this way by putting in well placed hoses and sprinklers.

I am now reaping the rewards of that watering by having fresh blueberries and some fine tomatoes, green beans and now slowly arriving burpless cucumbers.  Yesterday I made the first batch of bread and butter pickles from those cucumbers which make the  best pickles ever.  I like to give each batch  its own name so this one is "Big C" because one of the cucumbers had grown to over 12 inches!

Having more produce than one person can use allows me to share with my family as things are harvested.  Figs will be the next fruit to be ready for picking.  They make great jam and are so tasty with milk for breakfast.

Being able to share fresh foods which are God's gift to me allows me to say in my own way "keep on keeping on' and "be sweet".

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