Friday, June 1, 2012

June Surprise

 I had been waiting for this first bloom to appear.  But when I saw it, I was taken aback.  The buds on the other bushes were larger and usually have the first bloom.  So, when I set my eyes on this perfect, first bloom, on the first day of June, I fairly squealed.  Upon close examination it appears to be holding out six arms in welcome.  The inner part is still folded in a tight promise to open soon.

The gardenia is one of those flowers that delivers on its promise of a heavenly scent, ready to meet your senses when you wander into its territory. 

If this isn't heaven, then it must be a little "teaser" of what it will be like.  It does not promise to stay all summer, rather only long enough to make you want more.  I know that I can expect a few weeks of these welcome blooms, coming, turning brown and unless you pull the dead blooms off, they will hang on for a long time.

I did notice a whitefly moving about so some gardening chores are awaiting me.  Whiteflies are prone to appear on these bushes, so I am prepared.  I have a systemic solution and will waste no time in applying it to the ground around this otherwise healthy bush.

If you do not have a Gardenia bush in your landscape, I urge you to find a spot for one.  The north side of your house or in a spot where they can have some sun with plenty of shade, will be ideal for growing your Gardenia. You will be rewarded over and over again for your efforts
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