Friday, February 26, 2010

Three Pleasures

Life is full of small pleasures, things we might not think of as pleasures until they are no longer available. To be blessed with three together for a whole day is noteworthy, I think.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of driving two friends to a bridge club meeting. The home we were visiting was not far away and when I pulled up into the driveway I saw beautiful yellow mums in a huge pot and in another pot beautiful pansies. When I commented on them one of the ladies said, "they are artificial". I certainly could not tell from a distance but when I got closer I could see the difference. How clever, I thought, in the dead of winter when I only have Daphne Adora in bloom, she has mums and pansies galore. I just had not thought to use artificial flowers outdoors.

Most of the ladies present I had known from previous times when I filled in for a missing player. So, it was pleasant to greet them and then enjoy their company and friendly chatter. Whereas they enjoy the game they also enjoy the companionship.

The pleasure I had not expected was to sit at a table where the view was constantly changing. The hostess had two bird feeders just outside a large window. Everyone was entertained by the antics of a variety of birds. At first my back was to the window so it was a while before I changed seats and was able to see what everyone else was seeing. For the first time I saw a red finch. That was one pretty bird. Also there was a Rufus sided tohee hopping about under a bush. I have one which likes to peck on my window in the spring and summer. I think he likes the shrubbery in front of my front window. I named him Tommy and looked for him each morning when I came downstairs.

I will have to admit that the games were fun as I had some good hands to play. I had some good partners to play with also. It does not take long to learn what to expect from some players. I suppose each of us is predictable in some ways. I had to work hard not to see my left hand partners hand as she held it out on the table. She also had a habit of holding back on playing Aces. Sometimes that is a good idea when you are in a no trump but it can be more advantageous to take the lead if you have sure winners or want to send the lead to your partner.

The biggest surprise to me was when the scores were tallied. I had excused myself to visit "Mary's room" before the trip back home. When I reentered the room, I was notified that I had high score, and was handed a fist full of dollars. I really did not want the money and gave it to a S.S. teacher to use for her class. Never in my wildest had I expected to have the high score. Since I was out of the room when the scores were tallied I will have to assume that it was not a mistake.

I am in my 20th year of retirement. I was the oldest lady in the group yesterday. For so many years I had obligations which kept me from doing some of the things I enjoy most. After retirement I had four years as a caregiver which was a mighty weight to carry. When that weight was lifted, it was like a bright spring day greeting me every morning. Being free to do as one pleases is a wonderful gift, especially when one can walk, talk, hear and still drive !!!!

If you ever think you have no pleasures, just try doing without the simplest of the ordinary tasks you have each day. You might just change your mind.

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