Thursday, December 31, 2009

Unexpected Pleasures

My daughter and I are plotting to make a quilt for my middle grandson, her nephew, who will be going off to college in the fall of 2010. We have conferred with him and her creative juices are bubbling away. She has an eye for design and color which I could never realize for myself. We were both thinking along the same design lines to make a quilt similar to the one she gave me two Christmases ago.

This got me remembering when she gave me this eye popping lap quilt. I was bowled over with the beauty and design. It was a real "WOW" surprise, something I had not expected. That line of thinking took me down memory lane to other occasions when I was taken aback with delight !

When as a teacher I entered the "Teachers Fair" representing my school, I was so naive I did not know it was competitive until I got there and was all set up and judges came around. I thought I was just sharing some teaching techniques with other teachers. So, when my name was called as winner I did not realize there was even a prize. I was more like stunned and then the pleasure set in. In my defense this was the first Teachers Fair for our county.

About twenty years ago on Mothers Day my son and son-in-law came up to the lake house with a load of cross ties, chain saws and plenty of energy ! They set about building steps up a hill which before had been a dog trot. When the day was over they had created a most enchanting pathway up the hill. It still delights me when I enter the property, come down the gravel road and the hillside comes into view. It looks so charming and inviting. It is one of those things which left me with one giant warm fuzzy !!!

A different sort of warm fuzzy came my way when I was in my early twenties. Acute appendicitis sent me into the local hospital for surgery. I had told my husband to not let my mother know about this until it was all over as I did not want to worry her needlessly. When I woke up in the hospital bed after the surgery I looked over and there sat my mother waiting for me to wake up. It was one big emotional joy ride for me and of course I began to cry and whimper at seeing her there. It still makes me tear up to think of it.

Last summer some of the posts in the second row of vines in my vineyard had fallen down and I had resolved to try to get them repaired. Before I could get around to it I was leaving the property to go into town and a new acquaintance had brought some helpers and they were working in the hot sun replacing posts and setting it all right again. There must have been twelve posts that they replaced. I had already told this gentleman that he could have all the grapes he wanted for his wine making project. I had no idea he would repay me by doing this work. It was six hours of hard work in the hot sun, and to be surprised after the fact was very gratifying.

My neighbors have surprised me with little things which were unexpected pleasures, like the bow hunter winding in my dock when he noticed it needed to be done. My neighbor across the way appeared with a large bag of figs which I was happy to receive as my tree had produced very little that summer.

My friend Bob who helped me around the place doing things I could never do myself, would often come up to my house with his right hand behind him and say " I have a little surprise for you". It was usually some edible treat like strawberries or an early tomato from his garden. He also came up with some creative ideas for ways to improve the appearance of the property. He is gone now but I still have some lovely creations he made with large flat rocks. Two are in the curve of the road and help to define the curve as well as protect my flower beds behind them.

In front of my house, and below the road, he made a long wall divided by steps made from huge flat rocks. Above the wall is now planted perennials which present themselves in due season and when they bloom are framed by Bob and natures handiwork, giving me pleasure over and over again.

One act of kindness which has enriched my life in more ways than I could ever tell, was being given a computer by my daughter and her husband. They just brought it up and got it all installed and began to educate me on using it. I can remember Al Gore talking about the information highway but I had no idea what he meant. Now I know and it has changed the way I live and even carry on business. When my son brought up a printer, installed it and showed me how to use it, I was able to expand my everyday use of the computer in so many ways. I do not know how people live who do not have a computer !! Just as I cannot imagine how my mother coped without being able to drive a car.

It is comforting to be able to relive these moments and enjoy the changes brought about by the many unexpected surprises which have threaded their way into my life. In Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche Dubois makes the comment, "I depend upon the kindness of strangers". In my life I can say I am enriched beyond measure by the kindness of family and friends.

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