Sunday, December 6, 2009

Never Too Old

We had our first really cold temperatures last night, below 32 in Georgia seems really cold.
If you have a choice, you wonder if it is worth it to get dressed, brave the cold and start the car.

Well, this morning it was worth it. I scooted into Sunday School at the last minute, but still ahead of about six other people. I rushed in ahead of one gentleman who, likes me prefers to sit near the door. There was some good hearted laughter when I took the only seat next to the door, saying to the man in back of me, "Now you know why I was walking so fast".

Our pastor is our teacher and he is always interesting. We have been studying the books of the Bible as a whole in overview fashion. He had us turn to the front of the Bible where all of the books of the Bible are listed. Using that and a chart on his blackboard he spoke of the main divisions of the books. The first books are all about history of the Israelites. The middle books are called the books of wisdom and the last part are prophetic books.

Today he was focusing on the Psalms, saying we are not sure who wrote them. Some we know were written by David, perhaps others by Solomon and others living in that time frame. He asked us to share our favorite Psalms. The first lady who spoke mentioned Psalm 22. The comments ahead of this one says "Plea for Deliverance from Suffering and Hostility". I thought this was interesting and predictable. This lady has often expressed bitterness, loneliness and despair regarding her life.

The one I offered up as a favorite of my father was 119. It extols the glories of God's Law. I like it also as it seems to be full of good things, encouraging thoughts. It happens to be the longest book of the Psalms.

Someone mentioned the 23rd which is a favorite of so many folks. Our teacher mentioned how it compares God as a shepherd caring for his sheep. He spoke of the anointing of oil as shepherds did for their sheep. Now, I had never thought of that before so at the end of the class I had to ask about that. Our teacher said the shepherds put oil on the head of the sheep to calm them down, and compared that to the soothing effect God can have on us. Another one said she had read that the oil on the sheep was to kill the parasites which seemed to be on the sheep. Hmm

Another member brought up Psalm 117, the shortest one, a "Universal Call to Worship". It is easy to see how that one might be sung or recited at any service the Israelites might be having in the Tabernacle. Psalm 100 was our pastor's favorite, a Psalm of Thanksgiving.

I think most students of the Bible have their favorite books, verses, and Psalms which they can quote and which give them comfort. Mine has always been "Oh Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches" Psalm 104 verse 24.
Now one would expect that from a gardener, don't you agree?

I am always amazed when I learn some new fact and can tie it in with something familiar, like the sheep getting anointed with oil for their comfort and to calm them down, plus killing those pesky parasites!!

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