Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Past

This Christmas Eve I was awakened by Christmas music on my radio. As I listened, I began to remember the events of this time in my own life and that of my parents and siblings.

My parents and especially my father wanted Christmas to be a happy time for their children. I think this stems from the fact that as they grew up their Christmas memories were not as they would have liked to remember. I do recall that as a child my father had wanted a little red wagon, and he never got it. Why, I am not sure. It may have been financial constraints in a large family or the fact that in the late 1800's the custom of gifting was not the main focus in families struggling to survive.

I recall special gifts at Christmas when a young child, as the time my brother and I both received tricycles and we rode them around inside the house. I believe we both had mumps at the same time as we had the tricycles. That was my earliest memory of gifts for me. I do not recall any talk or events surrounding "Santa Claus". It was simply a Christmas gift from our parents.

On a different Christmas my father had an oak doll bed made for me. It is one sturdy piece of furniture. I used it as a child and then my daughter used it when she was young. When her first child was expected I passed it on to her, but alas little boys do not care for doll beds. At this time the doll bed sits in my north bedroom awaiting some repairs on one of the legs. I could not pass it on to either of my three grandsons, so it is waiting for a great granddaughter to one day join the family.

On a different occasion my father had for me a gold necklace with a heart, anchor and cross attached to it. I have spoken of that before. Unfortunately I do not have all of it, only the tiny cross which rests in my jewelry box.

One Christmas my father surprised my mother with a new car. That one is a little strange as she did not drive !! On another Christmas -perhaps to make up for that time - he presented her with a beautiful cherry secretary. That was certainly more appropriate for her and she put it to good use. As far as I know it is still in the family perhaps with one of the grandchildren. I do know that my sister (the artist) at one point painted it yellow ! She liked to use color and even painted her maple bed a gray color. I know where that is as I sleep on it each night !

When I was very young I was given some money to spend for family members for gifts. I was limited to 10 cents per gift. The only gift I remember buying was monogrammed handkerchiefs for my father. I remember that as I really goofed up. Perhaps because we called him "DAD", I got handkerchiefs with a "D" monogrammed on them. Needless to say, my shopping was not supervised. My face is still red ! I had only heard him called Dad or Mr. Matthis as in my family my mother did not call him by his first name. She had other pet names for him. One was "Mister Blister". I don't know where that came from.

The thing I remember best is that when we were all older we celebrated Christmas as a family on Christmas Eve. That is when we had a huge meal and all of the extended family would be there and gifts were opened. Even if you had a date for that evening it had to wait until the main party was over. The reason for the celebration on the night before was so the grandchildren could be at home or with their other grandparents on Christmas Day. That custom is a natural progression as I see it happening today with other families.

Wherever you are and however you celebrate, in a large family or a small family, it is a special time so hold it close to your heart for it becomes a part of you forever.

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