Friday, April 20, 2012

I Like My Curves

When a smoker finally is able to kick the habit and learns how much better he/she feels with that expensive habit no longer binding him, he becomes an ardent reformer!  He just can't hold back the good news.

That is how I feel about going to Curves.  A few years ago my primary doctor suggested to me that I need to work hard to prevent Osteoporosis and told me to walk thirty minutes each day, take calcium and also use a nasal spray which helps the body absorb the calcium.  I started off this regimen in good spirits and resolve.  I was up before breakfast walking all around my house and feeling very good about it.  On rainy days I walked for thirty minutes indoors (not as much fun but doable).  After the summer had passed I found myself getting busy with lots of other things and my resolve began to crumble.  Gradually I was doing it less and less.

Along about this time I  began using the services of Life Line Screening.  The results which came back after my first screening in 2009 were not really bad, but needed improving, especially the bone density.  So, my doctor told me she had a patient who had been going to Curves and it had helped her bone density.  I had not even heard of Curves!  So, wanting to follow my doctor's advise I went looking for one of these places.  I found one ten miles from my home.  After a few visits I learned of another Curves closer to my house by four miles.  I transferred to that place and I was very consistent with my visits for a number of months.  Then, I had an accident and broke my ankle.  That put me on the side lines for a couple of months. 

But before that happened I went for my second Life Line Screening.  When the results came back I was very surprised and pleased.  The results on every test came back improved.  The Carotid test came back "mild" as opposed to a year ago "mild to moderate".  The Bone Mineral Density test came back from "mild to moderate"to Low Risk.  Two very positive results from using the machines at Curves.

Fortunately my insurance pays for three visits a week, so that is what I have been doing.  No men are allowed to join Curves.  It is strictly for women.  A woman manages the place, and she is a great encourager, with incentives for attendance and other interesting things going on.

Good advise is only good if you take it.  Here it is free and if you need to improve your health in any area, this is a good way to go.  Yes I am as bad as a reformed smoker.  I just can't hold back the good news.  So, check out your insurance plan, it may just pay for you to do something that will make you feel better, look better and live better and longer.

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