Sunday, April 1, 2012

Christmas, 1984

Looking through an old journal, I read something I had long ago forgotten.  I well remember the Christmas of l983, as my daughter and her husband gave me a card announcing that I was to be a grandmother - for the first time!  I am sharing with them now the next Christmas as I had written it in my journal for that day.

Dec. 25th 1984 - Christmas day - Bon, Jim, and Jeff arrived around 8:30.  We all had a great Christmas with brunch and Jim's champagne.  Then Jim helped make the mushroom dressing.  We stuffed the turkey then opened gifts - snacked on goodies Bon brought.  Then Bruce, Bon, Jim, Rose and Jeff took a walk down to Athens Point (Glenn declined to go).  Jeff went in the Snugli Sack tied on Jim's chest.  It was sunny, warm, and beautiful - the sun coming down beautifully.  Bon and Jim made pictures (movies) with their new Olympus VCR.  Also played Jim's game of Upwards.  Bruce won game of Upwards, Jim second, Bon third, Rose last!

Dinner around 6:00 - with turkey, dressing, broccoli casserole.  Bon's special cranberry salad with whipped cream on top and rolls.  Delicious.

Bon and Jim left around 7:30, Bruce around 8:00.  Bruce called around 8:20.  Jim had car trouble.  Bruce saw their car on side of road between exit 3 and 2 on 365 and stopped.  Bruce took Bon with him (and presumable Jeff also) Jim had gone for a wrecker.  Rose took tools in car to them but wrecker had come.  Bruce had Bon and Jeff in his van and was going on to garage - so all ended well.  A big Christmas for Jeff's first!

End of entry for Christmas day, 1984  (Jeff was 4 months old)

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