Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Analogy of a Broken Bone

In an earlier Blog I explained how I happened to be confined to my home with a broken bone.  When I visited the Sports doctor the day after the incident  I was fitted with a proper size boot and instructed on how to deal with the problem of getting well.

When I went in two weeks later for an x-ray to see how the break was healing, I had some questions, one of which was how he could tell on the x-ray that the break  was healing. I will paraphrase but essentially he said that the break looked wider and that indicated that healing had begun.  He said the blood comes in and takes away the debris from the break, after this has occurred then the healing can really take hold.  That thought had been resting in my mind and this morning it came back to me while I was meditating quietly at my breakfast table.

The blood taking away the debris  seemed like a good comparison to how other types of breaks go about the healing process also.  Be it a hair line fracture, a complete break or a personal relationship.  Neither will begin to heal until the fragments surrounding the incident have been removed.  It may take some repairing in the form of forgiveness, some acts of contrition, or other manifestations of clearing and cleansing.  Each break will have its unique earmarks. But, whatever it is, complete healing will not take place until a new slate is available for building up again.

My mother had a saying "a good scream clears the air".  With eight children to deal with that way worked for her.  A good scream from her put us all on notice that a change was taking place.  We all have to find what "a good scream" means for us in any given situation.  Perhaps recognizing the need for it is a good way to begin.

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