Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Good Tired

Right now I am almost aching from working outdoors. Jim was up here today and he worked so much more than I did, but still, I feel tired, however, it is a good feeling.

I probably have twenty azaleas here near the house and down the hill and in front of the old barn.  This is the first year they have been pruned in a long time.  Down the hillside the English Ivy, grapevines, and wild honeysuckle have almost taken over.  Jim attacked it all with a fury, cutting, pulling, raking, just to get to the azalea bushes.  I worked  on the opposite side of the railroad tie walk.  This is the walk that Jim and Bruce put in for me around twenty years ago as  a Mothers Day surprise.  I found some azaleas at the foot of the hill which had never been pruned.  They had grown up and some trees had grown down and where they met is where I pruned.  A  huge grape vine had been twisting and running through the trees for so long it was about 1.5 inches in  width.  That one Jim had to come over to cut.  I look forward to seeing those azaleas in bloom next spring when I enter the property and drive toward the house.

Jim dug up so many jonquil bulbs that I lost count as we cut the dried leaves off and put them in mesh bags to hang until fall.  I suppose we had one hundred and we hardly scratched the surface.  Next week we will tackle the rest of them.  But first I have the job of softening the ground by using a hose on the area.  Some that he dug, we have decided are Blue Scilla.  The bloom resembles the allium.  I think they must be used mostly in the north where they favor the cold temperatures.

Repairs around here are a given.  The door on the shed had slipped down and it was almost impossible to close it, so that was one repair this visit.  I really dislike seeing bugs indoors so now I should only see dead ones.  Jim used a special kind of spray to put boric acid powder behind the light switches and other places suspected of hiding those crawly creatures.

It is all in a days work, as they say.  I will be like a child who has played hard all day, I will sleep soundly, and wake to another day of pulling weeds and watering tomatoes, etc.  It is a hobby I chose so I am not complaining.  I much prefer the out of doors than walking the city sidewalks.

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