Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to Reality

After having such a nice visit with family last week-end, I now find myself shifting into home alone mode. I enjoy the physical work of washing, making beds and checking out the mail. It gives me a chance to slide back into my routine and refocus on what I need to be doing the month of September.

We had our first DAR meeting of the fall on Thursday. I had to put on a new hat as the committee chair for the American Heritage Committee. I have a lot to learn. One thing is how to pass on information in a concise, understandable and interesting way. I found myself at the podium trying to encourage our members to participate in the various contests offered to them. I do not think it went well. For too many years I have presented material to six year old children. Since I have been in this group for only one year, I felt very unnecessary standing there telling them about something they have been doing for years. One good outcome is that I am learning more about how the organization works. For our next meeting I will be better prepared and hopefully it will go better, for me at least. We installed 12 new members. We are a growing organization. DAR is a service group and emphasis on the constitution is spread through the schools, media and the duties of the various committees. I am learning and that is a good thing.

What was disturbing to me was the news coming out of our southern state of Florida. For anyone to want to start burning books, no matter what book it is, is an affront to every forward thinking American. Hopefully it can all be resolved soon and the world focus on one individual who decided to make a statement which is hurtful to so many others will be history. Our country is known as a beacon of light, but not light coming from a fire burning sacred books.

Tomorrow we will be remembering a shocking and hurtful time in the history of our country. Enough senseless killing has already taken place. Too many wars have already been fought to secure our freedom. We should be about healing and not tearing down. That is the kind of reality I want to perpetuate.

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